Chapter 3 The Mansion is on Lockdown

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Chapter 3: The Mansion is on Lockdown

If you read my edited chapters 1 and 2, the rest of the story won't make any sense as I have yet to edit them. I will continue editing them as soon as possible.

Raiden's POV

I shut my bedroom door once I'm out, and  walk down the hallway seeing maids on my way bowing their heads when I walk by. I turn right and walk down the corridor and open a door at the end of the hall that leads to the basement. Once I'm down I spot my guard, Drake, and make my way towards him.

"Drake where's the girl?" I asked looking at the cells but the curtains are blocking my view from looking in.

"Cell 23, Sir" He said surly. I nod my head and make my way down.

I hear chattering until it all stops one by one once they hear footsteps, I face cell 23 and hear giggling until its stopped by someone making a 'shh' noise.

"Emery be quiet, someone's coming" A manly voice whispered.

"Do you think it's Drake?" A women asked, thinking it's probably Drake.

  'I got to get her document soon' I thought.

"No no I think it's probably Raiden" He guessed.

"How do you know?" She asked in a scared voice.

"Cause I heard the chain he keeps around his neck." He exclaimed.

Hearing enough I grab my set of spare keys and unlock the cell.

"He's coming!" She concluded.

I push the curtain aside and saw her wrapped in a blanket on the bottom bunk with a man on the top bunk staring at me. They both went quiet, I pointed at her and motioned her to follow me. She got up slowly and turned around saying something in the man's ear and followed me.

I lead her to my office, I sat at my desk and she stood there quietly not knowing what to do.

"Sit" I ordered her, she complied and sat opposite of me. I looked at her for a minute not doing anything, she squirmed under my gaze then put her head down, I breathed in and picked up my office phone and dialed Kade, my gang tech specialist.

"Yeah Kade I need you to get a document on....Hold on a sec." I interrupted

"Full name" I demanded.

"Um.....E..Emery Den..t..ton." She stuttered.

"On Emery Denton" I finished

"Okay I'll bring the file up once it's done printing" Kade concluded.

I hung up the phone and waited for her to do something, to at least move, but she looked down at her lap. I was getting agitated.

"Look at me" I ordered. She didn't, it looked like she was trying to pull herself together.

"When I'm speaking to you, you look at me!" I growled angrily.

She looked up slowly, she had a pool of water in her emerald green eyes. She looked me in the eyes and a tear drop slipped out and onto her cheek, before I could say anything Kade walked in carrying a thin file.

"Here you go Raiden, there's not much though" He then walked out.

I opened the file and was greeted by her senior high school photo, She looked ...happy with her green eyes lighting up and her pearly white teeth smiling at the camera. Her smile was genuine, not fake at all. I flipped the page, with only a couple pages left, Kade was right there's not much. I start to read what I have.

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