Chapter 16 This is exactly what R.W. wanted

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Chapter 16: This is exactly what R.W. wanted


I look at the computer screen carefully as I watch Raiden and Emery fight about me. This is exactly what I wanted, I want them to fight and figure out the mystery that can't be solved. No one even suspects me, I can go around the mansion as I please and never get caught.

"You have someone in mind, don't you?" Emery questioned. I hate her voice, I just hate her in general! I wished to kill her sooner, but the plan that I'm planning will actually make her suffer. I hate that Raiden is near this girl, I hate that I can't do anything about it yet. Raiden is a very smart man, he figured most of this out, he figured out that I'm doing this to get revenge for Kenneth.

"Okay, come out with it! Who do you think R.W. is?" She pushed more and more for an answer, that she'll never get until the day comes. I've planned this since the day Kenneth died, for 3 years I've been plotting on what I can use against her and now I have that.

"I think it's Keith Daniels."

I can see why Raiden would suspect Keith, Keith definitely knows what happens around here before Raiden even knows. But that's for a totally different reason. I know Keith's secret, it wasn't that hard to figure it out, so he confides in me.

"Keith?! No way, it's not him! He's the sweetest person I know around here," she argued. That's true, Keith is trying to help Emery but what he doesn't know is I'm the one threatening her.

"You've barley known him long enough! Look Emery, he knew River was gonna join this gang before I knew. How could he have known that if he isn't working with him?" Raiden's tipsy self argued back.

"What're you talking about? You're now saying River's the bad guy!" She concluded. They're totally going in a different direction with finding out who I am. "You can think whoever you want! I'll think what I want to think, I just know that there could be two people plotting against you!" Bingo! I do have a little helper, my little helper doesn't even have a choice in this.

"What're you talking about? Why do you think there's two people in this?" She asked. "R.W. is the reason you crashed, they messed with your brakes when you crashed," he replied.

"How would they've known what car I was gonna chose?" Ah, that's another little secret that involves Keith. "I don't know! That's why I think it's Keith and River, Keith is my valet guy after all!"

"You're delusional, you have your stubborn mind set on Keith and River, that you're gonna be too blind to figure out who R.W. is. If that's how it's gonna be, I'll find them myself!" She turned around and walked out the door, leaving Raiden to pour more of his Chardonnay as he goes back to the computer.

There was three knocks on the door, which paused after the third knock and a second later came two more knocks. The secret knock I had gave to my little helper.

I shut off the computer while walking in the little room, opening the door and greeting my little helper. "Did you get them?" I questioned. My helper held out a black duffle bag, tossing it to me. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't," my helper smart mouthed me.

I opened the duffle bag and found all the bullets that are supposed to be loaded in the guards and the gangs' guns for tomorrow's mission. "Good job! Now I need you to go put them somewhere," I turned around and focused my attention on the computer screen as I clicked through various security cameras, I found the camera that's in Emery's cell.

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