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"I'm blind."

A breathy laugh escaped from his lips as he heard those words escaped from the latter's mouth. "Okay, jokes aside. Tell me about yourself." He continued after composing his self. Jungkook remained silent, his head hanging down as he bit his lip.

"I..I'm not." he mumbled, barely audible for Jimin to hear.

He couldn't believe what Jungkook had just told him. He doesn't know if this kid is telling the truth or just simply messing with him. Because as jimin thought, the boy doesn't look blind to him. So he must be kidding, right? Jungkook must be joking.

"You're kidding, right?" He laughed, voicing his thoughts. But the smile on his face soon faltered upon hearing the other's reply. "No, Jimin. I'm not." The said boy frowned at Jungkook, still not believing what the other had just told him.

Jungkook doesn't look like someone who can't see. In fact, he looks like someone who sees the good and beauty in everything. He blinked several times, trying to process the other's words in his mind. He doesn't believe him, or maybe he just didn't want to.

Jungkook is not blind, Jimin thought. He's not blind, he's just saying those words to probably brush me off his back.

Jimin believed his thoughts. But only then he realized that the other was holding on to a scrunchy wooden crane. His eyes then snapped back to the latter's face when he moved to take off the sunglasses covering his eyes, exposing his beautiful puppy eyes.

The sun rays reflected the latter's eyes but he seemed to be unbothered of the blinding brightness brought by the sun. Instead, Jungkook stared ahead of him, blinking for a couple of times but eyes still not moving away nor annoyed by the bright lights directed towards his eyes.

Jimin thinks that Jungkook must be crazy.

But then it hit him,

Jungkook was telling the truth.

Jimin searched for a sign in the other's face that tells him that this all just a prank, that the boy was just messing with him and that he really isn't blind like what he just had said. But nothing came, just Jungkook blinking at a time, staring into space.

He didn't know what to do nor what to tell the blind boy. He didn't wanna hurt his feelings yet he also didn't wanna be closer to him. Jimin never met anybody with a disability. He didn't know how to approach the other, he didn't know what to feel at this stranger's honest confession about his self, he didn't know what to react about this situation they're both in. He sat there in awe as he stared at the other.

He didn't know what to do. So he followed whatever ideas came to mind, and in a matter of seconds, he was on his feet, walking away from the blind boy, never looking back as he stared ahead of him, wanting nothing but to go home and leave this strange strange place.

He heard someone called Jungkook by his name, telling him that they're going home. He shook all the feeling to look back and kept his gaze straight ahead. Jimin fastened his pace, not wanting to prolong this wierd feeling in the air. He walked until his grandmother's home came to view, pushing through the door as he rushed inside.

"Oh, you're back!" Taehyung exclaimed, showing him his signature boxy grin. He thinks the wierd kid's smile was adorable, but his mind was too corrupted by the blind kid to even spare the latter a glance. He just walked passed taehyung, barely acknowledging his prescence as he headed to the stairs. "Have a nice rest, Jiminie!" he heard taehyung yelled enthusiastically when he reached almost the end of the staircase.

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