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It had been a week since that day happened, and still I couldn't get my mind off of a certain child. The whole week felt wierd, especially whenever he's near or at sight. My heart would palpitate and my breathing would hitch, and it felt wierd because this my first time feeling all these. "Do you hate jungkook that much, Jiminie?" I heard a deep voice said from beside, breaking me off from my trance.

Well Taehyung had been my only company ever since. I guess we got pretty close after cleaning and playing in the living room together. Besides, I bet he's the only one stupid enough to take my insults as a compliment. I kinda like his company, I guess.

I snap my head to him, and gave him a confused look. "Huh?"

He finished eating his ice cream before wiping his mouth with a tissue and spoke "I maybe dumb but I'm not dense. You keep glaring at the kid for like a whole week now, do you really hate him that much?" he raised a brow, nodding his head to the kid sitting a few meters away from us. "Jungkook might not see you, but trust me, the kid knows how to feel."

"I don't hate him." I answered. Taehyung just rolled his eyes on me, not believing a single word I say. "I swear one more eye rolling and I'll fucking rip those eyeballs off." I warned. He just rolled his eyes again before chuckling and stealing the ice cream away from my grasp. "Hey, that's mine!" I glared, trying to grab it back. He ignored me, took a spoonful of my chocolate ice cream before showing me his boxy grin, his teeth covered in chocolate.

"Eww you look disgusting." I laughed. This boy is so wierd, but I kinda like it. He just stuck his tongue out before scooping another one in his mouth. I could only shake my head with a smile. I just gave up and turned to gaze where Jin and Namjoon can be seen from afar, sending shy stares to each other whilst Jungkook sat cluelessly in the middle.

Jungkook looked like he was gazing at us but I know he couldn't see which made it much more awkward. He had in his hand his wooden crane with tinted glasses on his other hand. Up to this day, I still couldn't believe that he's blind. I mean, when we first met he acted like there's nothing wrong. If he hadn't told me about it, I would of still thought he's a normal teenager just like me.

I guess it's what they say, don't judge a book by its cover.

"He's sensitive you know?" I heard taehyung say out of the blue. He had already finished the ice cream and his gaze are now also up ahead of us, where the three is sat under the tree. I know he was talking about Jungkook, he had been our topic ever since we sat in this bench, much to my dismay. "He hates himself for not being able to see." He added, making me frown.

"Why?" I raised a brow.

"The same reason why you keep on avoiding him." He answered, not looking away from the boy in front of us. "He hates it when we pity him and treat him like he's a responsibility. He wants nothing but to be treated like a normal person living in this world. But I guess the world is too full of ignorant people to grant that wish." He sighed.

"I can't treat him like how I treat others." I spoke which made him frown and snap his head to me.


"I'm not who you think I am, tae." I answered, nonchalantly. "I'm an asshole."

He chuckled before playfully hitting me in the side with his elbow. "But you're nice to me." He smiled.

"It's because you're too much of an idiot to realize that I'm insulting you, dumbass." I playfully rolled my eyes, with a small smirk tugged on the corners of my lips.

blind beauty ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin