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Jimin was fast enough to push the younger away, forcefully shoving him in the side as a loud gunshot was heard, ripping the sleeve of his shirt as he rolled to the side, avoiding the rain of bullets Jaebum has been sending him. "Fuck," he cursed, hiding behind one of the boxes, searching for anything to use against the other.

"Fucking hell, fight like a man!" He yelled, glancing towards the smirking boy standing by the door.

"Now where's the fun in that?" He heard him say, earning a small grunt as he picked up a small box and threw the object directly towards the other, wiping the annoying smirk in Jaebum's face.

Jimin took this as a chance to sprint forward and charge, shoving the boy down to the ground as he threw punches towards him, but failing miserably.

"You son of a bitch!" Jimin growled, hovering over Jaebum, adrenaline rushing through his veins as his mind flooded with nothing but aim to kill the boy, eyes shouting rage as he recalled the shits he's been through, all because of this asshole.

Jimin could only see red, the picture of Jaebum kissing Jungkook pinned on his memory. He hated it. He thought he hated seeing jungkook afraid, until he saw that scene unfold in front of him. Jungkook is mine, those lips are only mine to claim, was the same words echoing inside his mind as he punched the other. "You motherfucker!"

But Jimin must have forgotten how strong Jaebum is, taking him by surprise when the said man gripped on his collar and pulled him down, landing a punch on his jaw. And soon, Jimin found himself on the ground, with a bloody faced Jaebum glaring down at him, the one throwing punches at him this time. "You're still weak Jimin," He whispered as jimin whimpered through the pain, as if Jaebum's punches are getting much powerful by the second.

Jungkook could only listen, a certain tug in his insides as he hugged his knees closer to his chest, tears spilling in the corners of his eyes as he prayed for all of this to be over. The poor boy could taste the blood as he bit his lips, but he didn't care. Because all Jungkook had in mind is how useless he is as of now, that if only he could see, he could've helped his poor Jiminie.

Jungkook winced as he heard another whimper came out from Jimin, as if he was the one being punched and almost being choked to death. "Such a shame, Jimin, I thought you were better than this." He heard Jaebum say.

One last strong punch to the stomach, jimin completely collapsed on the ground, panting heavily as Jaebum stood up on his feet, smirking down as he kicked the beaten boy on his sides, muttering curses after curses of how stupid he must've been for not being able to see how perfect his sister was. "This is what you get, you son of a bitch!" He yelled, gripping onto the latter's hair. "We're coming to the end of the story now, which is where you die!" Jaebum whispered on his ears, his voice was low but it had a certain chills to it which sent shivers down Jungkook's spine.

"But," Jaebum smirked as Jimin already have predicted it won't do them any good. "....why don't we play with your precious jungkook first? You would like that, don't you?" He mocked, releasing his grip on Jimin's hair.

"Come out wherever you are, Jungkook!" He heard Jaebum's playfu voice as he tightened his embrace on his self, his heart beating faster and faster by the silence and stillness of the room. "Jungkook~"

"N-no...don't!" Jimin yelled, pain lacing his voice as he spat blood, feeling a bit naeuseous and dizzy from all the beatings. "Kookie...d-dont!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Jaebum growled, punching Jimin on his nose as the young boy listening flinched, hugging himself tighter, trying his hardest to suppress the sobs that are deeming to escape from his mouth, eyes squinted together, not really liking the idea of jimin getting hurt.

The fast beating of his heart, echoed through Jungkook's ears, his breath hitching as he hears footsteps coming closer and closer. He didn't know where he nor if he had hid himself properly, and he hated it. Everything felt like a deja vu, back when yoongi was badly beaten up by a gang to which he had sat there, crying and useless, only this time, Jimin was the one who got beaten up.

A strong yelp escaped from his lips when he felt his arms being pulled quite aggressively, making him whimper. "There you are!" Jaebum spat, dragging the poor boy and threw him on the ground, just beside jimin, who's also whimpering in pain.

"Jungkook..." Jimin weakly pulled the said man closer, caressing the younger's hair. "I'm sorry." He whispered, planting a soft kiss on his cheeks.

"Yeah, that's right." Jaebum snarled, "Blame Jimin for all these shits!"

Jimin watched as Jaebum walked to pick up his gun that was thrown to the side when he had lunged towards the other earlier, taking the latter by surprise as he slowly stood up without the other knowing, taking all of his energy to and once again charged towards the boy, earning loud curses from Jaebum and whimpered and sobs from Jungkook.

"You must die!" Jaebum growled as they fought dominance towards the firearm, throwing punches and kicks, struggling to take hold of the one piece of gun.

"You dick, you don't deserve to live!" Jimin snarled, landing a punch on the other's nose. "You deserve to fucking rot in hell, you bastard!"

"Then I guess I'll meet you there," Jaebum smirked, kicking Jimin by the stomach too hard that he fell on the sides, hitting some boxes, not aware of the madman aiming his gun towards the blind boy.


The gunshot silenced the small room, Jimin with his eyes wide open as he watched blood seeped through his lover's clothes, a stab in his heart as he glared at the smirking boy with so much loath. "Y-you.." He panted, tears welling in his eyes. "You fucking bastard!!!" He yelled, raising on his feet as he kicked Jaebum on his crotch, sending the other down on the floor as Jimin threw weak punches at him, due to the tears blinding his sight. "You asshole!"

Jaebum eventually managed to knock Jimin down and was now aiming a gun at him and was about to fire when another gunshot was heard, this time, sending Jaebum on the floor, he muttered something on his microphone, along the lines of "I found Jimin and Jungkook, I'm on the third floor, come quick and find us, I fucking need back up!"

Jimin looked up from the door, seeing Jackson panting by the door but soon turned away and fought with another of Jaebum's men. The small man, pushed Jaebum away and rushed towards his lover's side, his heart racing to find Jungkook with his eyes closed. "Jungkook! Do you hear me? Baby, wake up!" He tapped Jungkook's cheeks, more tears cascading down his cheeks.

Jimin sighed in relief when Jungkook's eyes slowly opened, a few tears falling from his eyes. "H-hyung...it hurts.." He weakly muttered, making Jimin smile as he hugged the younger, before pulling him up on his feet, when two consecutive gunshots was heard.

Yoongi was now the one who stood by the door, panting just like jackson earlier, "Goodbye bitch!" He yelled before sending one last bullet straight to Jaebum's head.

"Hyung..." Jungkook called. "Yoongi hyung!" He sobbed.

Yoongi immediately rushed to the pair, followed by jackson and the rest of their team. They all immediately dragged jungkook to get his wound treated because he's losing way too much blood is also slowly weakening which they all feared.

They all headed for the door, but before they could even reach the door, a loud gasped errupted from suho, his eyed widening as he stared at his brother.

"S-suho.." was his last words before he fell on the ground, his body growing pale.

Their eyes all travelled to the unconcious young boy on the ground, their eyes widening as their stopped particularly in Jimin's stomach.

a gunshot.

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