Ch. 70 Dreaming

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Ginny's back hit the hard earth, knocking the air straight from her lungs. Fear pumped through her as she looked around. She'd been with Harry! She smelled the air and cringed at the smell. Dirt and mold.

With a shiver she realized she'd been here before. In one of her most hated visions. The one with Dementors. Her breath rattled as she glanced around. Instead of staying with her back pressed against a tree, Ginny stood and walked forward before-


Ginny froze to her place, cursing herself silently. Looking down, she tried to locate the sound of the twig, but she'd been on a barren spot of grass. Nothing was really there besides leaves and they couldn't make that loud, snapping noise.

With wide eyes, Ginny looked around, cataloging every sound and movement. Then, a man stepped from the brush, holding an illuminated wand in front of him, glancing around the area. His eyes passed over her, but she had a feeling he couldn't exactly see her.

And he didn't. With one final wave of his wand, he trekked out of the bushes and into the small clearing where Ginny stood. She reveled at her ability to see better, and tried to see his face. When she did, her heart dropped. Chimp Man.

His other hand, which didn't hold a wand, held tightly to a rope tugging on it as soon as he was three inches out of the clearing. A girl about average height stumbled forward, almost falling, but someone caught her arm.

It was another man, though he was taller than the girl in front of him. Ginny couldn't really make out his facial features, but he must've been either an adult, or a tall student.

The three made their way to a small, rundown hut at the edge of the forest, Chimpy casting a ball of light over the doorway so he could turn around and use both hands to guide, more like pull, the girl into the area. She stayed silent, her back completely straight as they herded her into the building. Ginny waited to see her features be illuminated in the light. When she saw her, a sick feeling rose in her stomach.

But then she fell backwards, through the forest floor. And landed roughly back into her bed.

Ginny gasped at the feeling, sitting straight up in her sheets. First of all, she could have sworn she fell asleep in Harry's arms, down at the clearing. She wondered how he could've gotten her up the stairs and into bed.

Instead of continuing to think about that, Ginny threw her duvet off from her legs and practically barreled down the staircase, her panic waking Harry from his snooze.

She was sitting on the couch with her arms around herself by the time Harry sprinted down the stairs, wand at the ready. When he saw her, however, he automatically made his way over and wrapped her in his arms, trying to stop her shaking.

"Gin, Ginny look at me." Harry ordered, shifting so she could look him straight in the face. His green eyes were alight with worry, "What's wrong. Did you have another dream? I knew I shouldn't have let you go back upstairs!"

"No... I had a vision," Ginny whispered, holding tight to the collar of his robe. "We have to get Dumbledore. Katrin is in danger."

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