The Dream

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That night, I had a dream.

And not any regular dream I have, and then always forget in the morning.

I mean a dream dream.

A meaningful dream.

Something I would ponder about for the whole day.

In my dream, I was standing in the middle of two figures. I could only make out a few details, there personality looked fuzzy. One was a black-haired girl dressed in purple. The other was a brunette boy, with bright neon blue eyes.

They were both pulling me, like they were fighting over me in tug-of-war, I was the red ribbon in the middle.

The girl's side looked like a happy place, somewhere I would like to be.

It looked like an enchanted garden, flowers and trees everywhere with bright sunshine and cats. Lots of cats.

Somewhere I would be fine going to if she wins the tug-of-war game.

But far into the landscape, I could see something else.

I could see a grayish city, with miserable fuzzy people walking in the streets, and there was almost like a sun on top of the city.

It spoke.

It said "Deep down, you know you don't want her anymore."

Then on the boy's side, it was pretty much the opposite.

But the outside didn't look miserable, it looked complicated. The people looked embarrassed, dismayed, ashamed they were there.

After I took a good look around, I noticed them pulling me once again.

The girl tugged hard.

But the boy tugged harder.


It kept going on like this for the rest of my dream.

Until we reached the climax.

At the end, the girl let go.

Her face finally cleared up.

Not technically her whole face, but it was clear enough I could see a smile on her face.

Like she was happy she lost.

Then the boy kept pulling me closer.

And closer.

I could sense his eyes burning through mine, he looked familiar.

When I was in arm's distance, he said

"You and I..."

And I woke up.

I was too jumpy and tense to continue the dream.

As I sat up panting, my heart beating fast, I realized it was early morning.

It was dawn, the beautiful pink sunrise hitting my windows and coming in, illuminating my room.

What does it mean?

What does this all mean?

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