That Day

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I remember that day so vividly.


"Thanks, Garroth."

"No problem Kenmur! Now what did you want help with?"

"Oh! It's this new thing I discovered."

"Discovered...? In your basement?"

"Well, I didn't discover it in there. I found it, then Emmalyn got permission from some officials to take it home with us so we can study it properly."

"What exactly did"

"A tapestry."


"A tapestry of Lady Irene and the Divine Warriors. You know that legend?"

"Of course I do."

"Well we found an ancient tapestry about it! And we're going to study for the next weeks or so."


"And I need your help to move it into a nice spot in the basement while Emmalyn is out."

"Sounds good!" I said as Kenmur walked me into the depths of his house's basement.

Time skip to when they're done


"Wow is right." I agreed with Kenmur.

Welp, after those TWO ENTIRE DAYS we took to hang the tapestry and set up all the equipment around it, it looked amazing. No joke.

The thing was set up in the back middle of the room. A bunch of scientific claw-thingies were clutching its sides, probably to stretch and tighten it for observing and stuff.

Then there were two tables on each sides of the tapestry, swamped and littered with equipment and books to study it. One of them slid off one of the big piles of whoo-zits and whats-its and fluttered to the floor like a wounded bird.

"Kenmur, are you sure you need all of this stuff to study a tapestry?"

"Never underestimate the name of science!!" He said to no one in particular in an assertive way.

"Wow, this science looks way too complicated for a crappy blanket." I said obliviously.

Maybe I shouldn't have said that in the first place, because I had a great feeling of regret after he gave me a death stare and practically threw me out the door like yesterday's trash.

Then I just decided to call it a day and go home.

Laurance would probably be worried, since I was gone for literally the WHOLE WEEKEND.


As I got farther from Kenmur's house, I came up with the view furhter down the sidewalk leading to my house.

There was something green plastered over the gray cement in the far distance.


As I got closer and closer, I got more curiouser and curiouser. I also had a bad feeling about it. Something in the air...the figure...I couldn't put my finger on it.


Faster. Faster I went. Now I saw a black and a pink haired ladies hovering over the figure, now I know is a body. And for sure it had to be Aphmau and Kawaii~Chan.

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