Tamaki and Haruhi

547 23 17


I sat there, on my bed. Mistified.

It really was just a dream? But...it felt so...real.

I felt stuff in the dream. Pain, emotions, love, I could hear my heart thump. I got scared, I even slept in the dream.

I couldn't explain how real it felt. And I don't EVER remember blacking out on the sidewalk. When did that happen!?

Don't get me wrong, I'm relieved Garroth is safe and there wasn't any scary guy trying to kill him, but It was bitter-sweet too, it was such a nice experience. I didn't want to accept the fact it was all FAKE and DIDN'T HAPPEN.

"Laurance...why are you crying?"

"Huh? I'm crying?" I lifted my hand to my face. Sure enough, I felt the moist tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Oh, I uh...I...don't know."

Garroth came over to my bed and without any words, sat next to me. He wiped the tears off my confused face and brushed the hair out of my eyes.
I looked up at him.



He looked up at me with those sky blue eyes of his, bigger and shinier than usual. He looked so innocent, and confused. Some drips of leftover tears filliing in his eyes. He reminded me so much of, what was that anime again?

Haruhi! Haruhi from Ouran High School Host Club.

Laurance looked just like her.

And right now, I honestly felt like Tameki.

Tameki, who loved Haruhi with all his heart, and later marries Haruhi, (SPOILERS) That's how I felt now.

"Don't cry, Laurance. I'm here. We're all here. I'll always be there, watching you. You can count on me."

Laurance smiled. He knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Tamaki~Senpai..." He said.


H-he called me that?

I blushed thinking about it. But I smiled back warmingly to Laurance.


Laurance's warm body snuggled against the side of mine. It felt nice, like he was one of my beloved stuffed pudgy birds I always slept with when I was really little. (CA-CAW)



"Laurance woke up."

10:33 a.m.

I stared at my phone.

I stared at the three word message Garroth sent me.

And those three words sent me flying with a box of Kawaii~Chan's sweets to their house.

Laurance! He woke up! Oh, I was so so so worried! After a week, he's alive!! Oh--uh of course he's alive, heheh! He couldn't have...ya know...d-i-e-d OR ANYTHINGLIKETHATHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA RIGHT?!

I burst down the door- a habit Garroth has, and made a beeline for Laurance's room. Sure enough, there he was on his bed sitting up and looking down with the blankets still over him. I swear, he looked more kawaii than ever.

"A-Aphmau?" He said, startled.

"Hey Laurance! You're finally awake! I was so excited I rushed over here! I also brought these sweets Kawaii~Chan made after I told her you were awake! She and Katelyn will be here in a few. Hey, where's Dante? Does he know about this?"

"Right now, Dante's with Travis getting gifts for Laurance." A voice behind me said. Sure enough, I knew it was Garroth.

"Garroth! Good to see you here."

After I turned around to face Garroth, from the corner of my eye I could see Laurance's eyes go really shiny and he blushed.

"Are you serious? GIFTS too? I think you're going overboard." Laurance protested, obviously trying to be humble.

Garroth laughed. "Oh Haruhi, don't be so modest! Everyone was worried about you. Dante and Travis are doing this of their own free will."

"We're you're friends, aren't we? Friends are there for each other. Always." I pitched in.

"Even if your friend is a weird cassanova who just woke up from a coma, I'm always gonna be there to stand by you." Katelyn appeared in the doorway of the room.

"And Kawaii~Chan will always be there to make a friend in need sweets!" Kawaii~Chan chimed in.

I laughed and sighed a long sigh.

Friends. They're a wonderful thing, aren't they?

I is on vacation for spring break! Yipppeee! As weird as it sounds, I actually can update more frequently while on vacay. So expect stuff! Thank you lovely people for reading this chapter!


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