The Signs

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Majority picked Laurance's b-day!! So stay tuned, that's comin up!


I'm glad.

But I'm also super annoyed.

Ever since Laurance established the whole 'sure' joke, he's been answering me with just that word, along with surely and unsure.

Even with questions (or statements for that matter) that aren't supposed to be answered with sure.

"Laurance, for the last time, I don't have a habit for breaking down doors!"


It pisses me off. And he knows it.

But then again, these jokes are keeping him happy. He hasn't laughed that much lately, and me chasing him around got to him. I loved to see Laurance liked that. I loved when he had a smile on his face. I loved when he laughed. I loved his pranks, even if they were on the top of the mischief scale.

I love him.

Which is why I want him to be happy.

And not worry about anything.

And that's why I will fulfill my promise to him.

And soon, very soon. Is a very special day. I decided to get out of my room and sit on the front steps of the house.

Once I got comfy, a chilling gust of wind rustled through the trees. The trees swayed to the silent melody of the wind, sending warm-colored leaves twirling, whirling, swinging down to call the dry grass their new home.

The signs of autumn, that only come in September.

And you know what autumn means?

You know what September means?

Laurance's Birthday.

And on my agenda, it will be a birthday he won't forget.


Ah, September.

I know when September is here when acorns and leaves of all colors litter the yard.

I know when you don't see squirrels as often as usual. Just a few to pick on trash you leave out on garbage day.

I know when you notice the sun retreats to the moon's dark wrath earlier.

And I know when you here the faint calls of autumn's arrival.

That's how I know when it's really September.

And in September, there is a little day that happened to fall on Friday called the last day of September. The 30th.

And that day happened to be my birthday. And it will be a joyous day indeed. Especially this year. Because this year, Garroth plans it to be unforgettable.

I'll be the judge of that, if trusting my birthday to him was a good idea.

And then after my birthday comes the colder gusts of wind and it's time to pull out scarfs and hats and gloves and jackets. And there goes September like one of the falling leaves.

Here marches in October.

That carry its faint parade of the signs winter is drawing near.

Which is why I absolutely love this time of year.


It's SEPTEMBER. Getting COLDER. And Laurance's BIRTHDAY is coming up soon! Can't wait for that!

Garroth agreed to plan his b-day. I have a feeling his creative intuition isn't that intrigued, so I shall help him. Of course.

I ALWAYS help plan a friend's birthday party. No matter what. Why? Because I LOVEBIRTHDAYPARTIESANDYEAH!


AND we're already planning! Of course we are, cuz we gotta make reservations and stuff!

You know what they say, the early bird catches the worm!

So far, we came up that Laurance will wake up. Then Garroth will greet him, and their breakfast will be homemade by Kawaii~Chan, since Garroth's thing isn't cooking and we don't want Laurance to work cuz its his BIRTHDAY. And yeah. It'll be Laurance's favorite! Waffles with a bunch of nice and sweet toppings.

Then Garroth and Laurance will have a few minutes of alone time to do their Bromance stuff and then come over to OUR HOUSE to get PRESENTS CUZ EVERYONE WILL BE AT OUR HOUSE WITH PRESENTSSSS. Even Zane, since I bribed him with cupcakes! Teehee!

Then we go do some laser tag for a while, and go to the city to ANIME CONVENTIONS!! YES THEY'RE HOLDING A CONVENTION ON HIS BIRTHDAY.

Next we check out the old park we all visited when we were in high school, just for memories. Then we have a little surprise for him...muehehehe... THEN WE ALL GO BACK TO MY HOUSE FOR SLEEPOVAAAA!!!YAASS!! I'M JUST SO EXCITED!

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