1st Period

753 33 7

Phoenix Drop High


The portal lead me to Phoenix Drop High?

I looked behind me and saw nothing, the portal has closed.

I started to frantically think of a plan. Gotta have a plan, right?

I was so busy nervously walking around I didn't notice all the Sophomore and Freshman gurls swooning over me near the school entrance.


The good ol' days.

Where girls saw me as hot.

I realized I kinda looked weird running around so I tried to act cool.


The bell rung and I tried to look for Garroth.

Let's see. He's been here for two days already, so this is the third day of school. I got my schedule, and thankfully I still remember my locker combination.

Seriously that stuff is hard to forget.

I remember I do have some classes with him, and one with both him and Aphmau.

😆 Aphmau was adorable in her Freshman year, it was definetely the uniform. Definetely.

As I walked down the halls to homeroom, Emmalyn's voice filled my head with the warning she gave me.


"Okay Emmalyn, are you sure this portal won't teleport me to prehistoric times or something?"

"Oh Laurance, this only teleports you to a time when you were alive!"

"Oh good, I may have to experience being an orphan all over again..."

"Cheer up! It's not gonna be there, I'm sure, because where Garroth went is where you're gonna end up. Trust me."

"I trust you." I nodded and I put one foot into the portal.


I stopped.

"There's also a catch!"

I swallowed.

Great, a catch?

"Once you travel to the certain time period, you will replace the Laurance that belongs to the time period. To simplify, you become that Laurance that belonged there. Pretty handy, because then you wouldn't have to avoid your other you. But since this happens, if you stay in that dimension for too long you will adapt to it, and never remember that you belonged somewhere else. So I advise you to come back under 5 days."

"Mother of Irene, another thing to worry about..."

I put my other foot in the portal and went through.

                    *Back to Present*


I went through the glass doors of my homeroom and took a seat.

I looked around to see if I recognized anybody.

Oh yeah, I could see there was Katelyn and Lucinda, Fenrir, and Aaron.

Hmph. Aaron.

I gave him the look when his eyes weren't facing me.

1st Period
Ah, this is the class where I have Garroth and Aphmau. I was early so I went to pick a seat.

I wanted a seat near Garroth, but I didn't know where he would sit, so I chose a random table.

But when I tried walking over there, my body wouldn't let me.

Like an instinct, my body lead me to a table at the back left hand corner of the room.

I instantly recognized ot as the table me, Garroth, and Aphmau sat at.

So Emmalyn's warning has taken its toll already huh.

I waited for the bell to ring. Garroth filed in and took a seat.

"Ah, hey Laurance! I hope the teacher doesn't come in again so we can just chat together. You and me." He said in his 'high school' voice.

I wondered if my voice changed too.

"Garroth. It's me! The Laurance from Mystreet! I came back to get you!"

Garroth looked at me for a while like I was crazy. Which scared me.

Oh no.

But then his face lightened up and he said "Your here! Sorry, for a real scary moment I didn't know what you were talking about."

I told him about Emmalyn's warning.

"Well. I guess that's why I knew my way around the halls so easily."

"I'm just glad you remembered me. I want to hug you right now but our fangirls are watching."

He chuckled. "Heh, yeah. I forgot how utterly annoying these girls are. But I guess we can't help lookin hot." He winked at me. I started to laugh. "Oh c'mon, those  are stereotypical teenage girls being stereotypical. Enjoy it while it....lasts."

Garroth and I both felt a tinge of pain at that.

Aphmau came in, and that somehow cued us to switch to our teenage minds.

Garroth and I started to talk about how the gym teacher is meaner then last year, and what clubs we signed up for.

It was like another side of us took over.

It's taking it's toll for sure. And this is only my first day.

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