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"Alright! So the first step to clearing your depression is to get over your nosophobia for a while." Garroth said as he clapped and rubbed his hands together.

I raised my eyebrows.

"For a while?"

"Yes! I have spent hours of researching I told you, and I read a phobia isn't something you can easily get over. Especially if you were born with that phobia. For example, you're nos-"

"Been there, done that, just shut up already." I frowned.

If Garroth was going to keep rambling about phobias, then I'm wasting my time trying to get better this way.

Garroth's lit up face became dull.
"Oh...okay...well, to simplify it, your phobia isn't easy to get over permanently so we're just gonna take care of it for a fixed amount of time."

"Like I said, been there, done that." I said bluntly.

Honestly, Garroth's going way overboard. Hasn't he noticed?

"Laurance, your already over your nosophobia?"

"Have you seen me shaking, sweating uncontrollably, and huddling up in my bed with the covers over my head ever since we went to the doctor?"

"Well, no..."

"There you have it."

"Laurance, how'd you get over it so fast? And alone too?" Garroth asked.

I blushed. "I-I didn't do it alone. Y-you helped me. When I hugged you, back at the doctor's...i-it gave me a warm sensation and calmed me from my nosophobia. I felt way better..." I looked away in shame, the blush burning redder redder.

Garroth stared at me.
"Laurance...a-alright then, we move on."

"Which is?"

"Keeping you in high spirits! That happy, joking, lovable Laurance everyone knows. Since depression is literally low spirits..." He trailed off.

I bet he was wondering how I became so...unhappy.

No, it had nothing to do with my phobia. It had nothing to do with overworrying about going into a coma again.

It had everything to do with the dream. Let's talk about this later.

Then, a lightbulb went off into my mind.

Hey, of course I want to get rid of this depression ASAP, because depression leads to anxiety, which leads to heart attack, which leads to death, which I am NOT prepared to have.

So of course, having my joking personality, I came up with something in an instant. He wanted me to smile? So be it.

I haven't smiled in days anyway, and I'm really uncomfortable with this dull me, so I started to make things spicy.

First step.

I grinned evilly at Garroth. He started looking at me worredly and soon, got really creeped out.


"Garroth, are you sure I need to light up? Because I'm sure you're the one who needs to smile. I'm sure my laughing personality hasn't gone anywhere, but you're unsure of that. Surely now you believe me, right?
After all, you're my soulmate, who surely understands how I feel. I mean, sure, I'm unsure and always changing my mood sometimes, but this has surely been a trait I possess. But I'm still kind of sure that you're unsure that I'm shurely shure about your unshureness. Or my unshureness." <-- LOL, I wrote sure so much I started to spell it wrong.
At this point, I couldn't help it. I rambled on and on using THAT word to annoy the heck out of Garroth.

Pretty soon, he surely was. His temples started to get really irked, and I could see his head was steaming, about to burst.




"You sure? I was sure this is the part of myself you wanted to see..."

He sighed and tried to calm down.

"Alright then, could you just get me some milk?" He finally said.

I smirked.


Garroth fumed. He balled his fists so hard his knuckles turned white, and started to make aggravated sounds.

I smirked again.

"You mad, bro?"

And that was his limit. His head burst into flames, griping and waddling after me, so I lead him on a wild goose chase around the house.




I smiled, smiled so widely it cracked into laughter that spilled out of my mouth.

And that was my idiot Garroth for you.

I got tired of all this sad and serious stuff, so I wanted to lighten the mood. Also, I've stashed a few memes here and there. See if you could spot them.

Thank you for reading!

Stronger [Laurroth/Garrance F.F.]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz