I'm In A Collab Account!

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Yes, I know y'all hate these.

You want the next chapter, but these little AUTHOR'S NOTES get in the way in between like EVERY CHAPTER it's so ANNOOOYING....

Ya. I know how you feel.

But I promise!! This is actually exciting news!

Well, exciting news for Laurmau shippers. But you don't have to, ya know, be a die-hard Laurmau fan and not want anything but that happen. I mean, if your a Garmau shipper you can still read a Laurmau book, right? Your not gonna go to Garmau prison...

So if you don't absolutely hate the ship, then maybe you should check out the collab account? Maybe? If you want to? It's _Laurmau_Alliance_ btw if you were wondering.

You don't have to, but if you have the time then please check it out. Maybe give it a few TLC (Travis lovin care) and follow it? Thanks! That would be such a big help!

Also, check out the lovely peoples in it. Plz.

Person friend who found the collab: Lucky_Lexi345

Other person friend in collab:

Thank youuuuuu!

Love you all!! ~

(And yes. I changed my name to ShuWarrior. Hoping it will be pretty permanent.)

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