The Stories

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"Once there was a cat named Meowliet and she was princess cat, and she came across another cat named Romeow. Romeow got abs and Romeow was hurt so Meowliet showed her big girl claws to other bad kitties to scare them and it worked and she took care of Meowliet and-"

Blah blah blah, nekos nekos nekos.

That was all Aphmau wrote about.

It's basically a parody of Romeo and Juliet.

But cat themed.

Hey, that's what fanfiction is for, right?

I guess...

I found other fanfiction about Laurmau interesting, but now that I'm kinda...OVER Aphmau...

I wander  around Wattpad to see if any info about me and Garroth got leaked.

Sure enough I found some fanfiction.

Eye openers, for the most part.

I'm gonna enjoy this..


The Romeow and Meowliet story reminded me of SPRINKLES 😭😭😭😭😭😭 (Aphmau just tell him already!)

Asides from SPRINKLES 😭😭😭😭😭
The story was...meh.

Aphmau needs to learn how to write stories, she needs to fix her grammar and her spelling and her timing and conclusions and topic sentences and tenses and follow-ups and lead-offs and transitions and all that good stuff in writing.

Okay maybe you don't need ALL of that in Fanfiction, but I figured to just get to the point.

I wonder what Laurance reads on that Wattpad account of his...

I wonder what Aphmau reads.

Or worse yet, Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn.

Thinking about it makes me shudder.

Especially Katelyn.

I have a feeling I do NOT want to know...



"Heeeeeeeyyyy hottie, I got chocolate for you!" Dante said persuavively as he handed me a box of Ferrero Rocher balls.

"So I heard you were having a little fun with Garroth! I want to know what you...did, you know? So next time I can...throw a party!!" He chirped sweetly.

"Dante, you're only this nice to me when you want to know something."

Dante's face drooped and if we were in anime I knew he would have that sweat drop on his face.

"Just tell me. Pwease." He pleaded.



"Cuz then you'll take it to your advantage and tell Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn."


"You'll have to talk to Garroth first."


With that he got out from where he was sitting and sped to Garroth's room like Sonic to a chilly dog stand.
(See what I did there?)

"Gaaaarrrrrooootthhhhhhhhhh I got sprinkleeeeessssssssssss"

Mother of Irene.

😉 Funny/cute chapter to lighten he mood. Sorry if it was too short, it's late here and wanted to get a chapter out for you guys, especially one true fan I have, I'm talkin to you NinNinjagirl! ❤

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