Their Historytale- 1

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Hey! I know, FINALLY, after fifteen years, the start of the fillers. Sorry, I stumbled into a hole. You know what I mean. (😜😏) So I hit 10k views, and for a celebration let's do a Q&A!! C'moon, don't be shy! Post dat question! ^~^ Also, anyone know where MentallyLove is? Haven't been to her profile in a while, and when I tried to, she was gone.

Third Person P.O.V.

It was two days after Laurance's birthday they finally decided to play Undertale.

Laurance opened the game, and he called Garroth shortly after.

"You ready?" Laurance asked. Garroth nodded in excitement. So the both of them jumped into the world of Undertale, as the story of the humans and monsters began to play. It was a pretty original story too, they thought.

Then, they were sitting in the golden bed of flowers, and found a little one not far off. But this one had a face.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the flower!"

"A pretty cliche name." Laurance commented. Garroth told him to shut up and enjoy the game.

"You must be new to the underground, aren't ya? Golly, you must be so confused! Someone ought to teach you how things work around here. I guess little old me will have to do!"

"Garroth, the voice you're doing for Flowey sounds terrible. Your making him sound a bit too happy. Like he's forcing himself to sound happy." Laurance commented once again. Garroth just looked at him and smiled slyly.

"That's the point."

Time skip after Flowey explains SOUL and LOVE cuz I'm lazy...

"You want some LOVE. Don't you?" Flowey winked, which once again gave Laurance the feeling Flowey was being quite suspicious.

"Down here, LOVE is shared through little white...friendliness pellets!" Little white pellets filled the box around our red little heart.

"I have a bad feeling about this Garroth!" Laurance said. Garroth looked at him in agreement. "Well, yeah, but it's just a tutorial. Nothing too bad can happen."

"Go ahead, grab as many as you can!"

So Garroth moved the little heart to grab as many as he could.

But you know how it turned out.

The pellets weren't very friendly.

With only one health point left, Flowey's face changed to a rather disturbing one. He didn't look like the innocent little flower that was trying to help you anymore.

"You idiot." Flowey said with malice.

"In this world, it's KILL or BE KILLED."

Laurance's eyes widened.

And Flowey laughed his evil little laugh. Circling them with a lot more "friendliness pellets." In an attempt to actually kill them.

They were trapped.

"Laurance, what do we do!?" Garroth asked me frantically.

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