The Ultimate Proposal

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Hello wonderful people~

I know I haven't updated this book in quite sometime, I still find a draft of an incompleted Christmas chapter. Why don't I ever finish things? I really need to make time for Wattpad. I dedicated myself to this book, so I will dedicate myself to finish it.

To be honest, I have lost interest in this story. But not all interest. I know some people still want updates. Maybe. Ok, I'm not sure.

So to ANYONE who still reads this book, here's the final chapter. Or chapters. Depends how I feel.

Thank you for reading this all the way to the end. I'm really grateful. Don't forget to drop a like and a comment. It means a lot, it really does.



How long has it been now, 11 years since I knew him? 3 years since we got together?

Garroth wanted to propose to him on his birthday, but he didn't. The blonde wanted to propose to him on Christmas, but he didn't. Why?

A few days before Christmas, Laurance had to go on a last minute trip to his parents' estate because of family business. It seemed more like something Garroth would have to do, but nevertheless Laurance did it.

He almost wasn't home for Christmas. His flight had been cancelled because of a blizzard happening on course, and Laurance decided to go by train, by taxi, by however way he could. Even Garroth didn't know the full details. Miraculously, he came home before the clock struck six p.m.

Garroth was so ready to surpise him with a proposal. He deserved it after trying so hard to get home and spend Christmas with him. So why hadn't he?

It's only a few days now before Valentine's Day. Is he going to propose to Laurance then or hold it off again for some other time? Garroth kept thoroughly pondering his situation, fingering the small velvet box in his hand.

A soft vibration in his pant pocket startled him from his thoughts. Bringing his cellphone out so he could check who was calling, he was surprised to find it was his boyfriend. Odd. Laurance was home from his shift at the maid café, wasn't he?


"I'm on the balcony. Get up here. Now."

"U-uh, why?"

"...just do it."

Without putting thought into it, Garroth instictively tucked the velvet box in his pocket and went up to the balcony. Laurance turned around and smiled, Garroth was met by the brunette's sky blue eyes, which were stormy in thought.

Outside, the sun was beginning to set. There were hues of deep purple, red, pink, and orange strewn across the sky like a painter splattering the colors on his canvas, desperately trying to cover all the white spots up. Added to that, a gentle blanket of snow was draped across Mystreet, which was only going to get thicker. White spots of snow cascaded down from the clear sky, which seemed impossible because the snow had to come from some form of clouds. Oh well, odd things happen here in Mystreet.

Laurance's face was stuck in an unreadable expression, much to Garroth's confusion and curiousity to why he was called up here.

Stronger [Laurroth/Garrance F.F.]Where stories live. Discover now