Laurance's Birthday- Attack On Pokémon

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**the opinions on Pokémon and Digimon are not my own. Plz guys. I love Pokémon. Also I don't know anything about Digimon. I know I'm sad.**


One minute we were all hyped in our costumes, ready to go to ya know panels, contests, different parts of the building for different anime. All peaceful, talking, all that.

The next it was practically Attack on the anime character you hate.

Then again, we always end up like this, don't we?

It started when I said that I wanted to go to where they set up Digimon with Zane.

"Laurance, look! It's that game we used to play when we were little. What was it again, Digimon?" Zane said as he pointed to one of the signs to guide you to the different areas. It said: DIGIMON FEST: NEXT RIGHT

"Oh yeah. I remember. And it was wayyy better than Pokemon." I said as I smiled and peered over at Garroth.
(Laurance, you blasphemous bastard...((Omg go watch Sebastian Todd's bloopers!)) )

Zane must have picked up on what I wanted to do, and chuckled amusingly.

"Oh yes. Much better. And if I recall, Pokémon is just a COPY of Digimon!" (I actually don't know that. Too lazy to look stuff up.)

I looked at Garroth again, and he was practically fuming.

"NUH UH! POKÉMON IS WAAAYY BETTER! DIGIMON IS THE ONE THAT'S JUST A COPY!" He yelled, practically at the top of his lungs.

"Yeah, to be honest, Pokémon was way more interesting." Lucinda said as she stood near Garroth, along with Aphmau, Aaron, and Dante.

"Pft! Pu- lease. Pokémon is just about an immortal boy named Ash who never turns eleven." Cadenza fired back, standing behind me. Travis also scooted to the Digimon side.

"Hey! Could we just stop the conversation now? In my opinion there both stupid for little kids." Katelyn retorted.

Both groups gave her the look.

"EXCUSE MEEE!???" They said in unison.

Then came the beautiful part. Both groups tackled Katelyn, which resulted into:

Travis being able to touch her butt. Ended up with a bruise on his face.

Someone got into Cadenza's hair and made it a rat's nest. So she started destroying everything in sight.

Aaron fell onto Aphmau's chest. How awkward is that???

Garroth kept trying to find me and Zane in the orgy pile of people. Sux 4 him, because at the last minute we sneaked out of the pile and enjoyed our work.

Zane laughed with a satisfied look on his face.

"I like the way you think, Laurance."

"Well, for once we agree on something. One-eye."

"Ahahaha. Right back at ya shortie." He said as he 'playfully' punched my shoulder.

He wants it rough, he gets it rough. (That sounds wrong.)

I scoffed and punched him back, 'missing' his shoulder and getting his face.

"Whoopsies. My hand slipped." I smiled widely.

He put a hand to his face but then brushed it off with an evil glint in his eyes-

"Well that's too bad."

and elbowed me in the stomach.

"Because my elbow just slipped."

"Aahh. That hurt."

"Oh little Laurance, this is just the beginning."

And at that he didn't take a moment to hesitate. He pounced on me like a cat, and thus my wonderful birthday at anime con has officially begun.


I'm soooooo sorry it's been so long since I updated! Finals are coming up so I got my hands full...yeah...hope you enjoyed this. Love y'all!!

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