Second is the Best (TAGGED)

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1. Apparently I don't know how to spell

2. I has been tagged AGAIN.

By the one and only:


And I will answer her questions.


I'm excited! Get hyped guys!


1. Harry Potter or Twilight?

Hah. OBVIOUSLY Twilight!!

No. Just Kidding. Harry Potter was a way better love story than Twilight.

"Oh but Harry Potter ISN'T a love story!" You may say.

That's my POINT.

Seriously though. Potterhead to the bones. To me, Harry Potter is one is one big masterpiece. If you want me to go into more details, E-Slappy has already explained for you. Go check out her book, Why Harry Potter Is Beter Than Twilight

2. Percy Jackson or Twilight?

Again, anything but Twilight. Percy Jackson is my safehaven fantasy, yo. I love greek mythology, and when I found Percy Jackson, my world was complete because now I got Harry Potter, Anime, and PJO. Bam.

3. What do you like to do with your family?

Um...go on vacation?

4. If you were a Inu, what would you do?

Bark and wag my tail, cuz I REALLY wanna try that!

5. DC Nation or Marvel?

I'm not, like, INFATUATED with superheroes but I favor DC the most. Why?


6. Do you like being tagged? Lol

Yes. I love answering your questions!

7. How do you feel about followers being disabled?

Pretty annoyed and disoriented. Wattpad plz fix!!

8. If you were in a anime which one would you want to be in?

That's like saying if I only want the vanilla flavor in my Neopolitan ice cream. I CAN'T CHOOSE.

So I will list top two. Kay? Kay.

1. Naruto/ Shippuden

I would choose AoT but...I can't live with my friends and loved ones dying every day. :)

9. This is related to question 8. What role would you have? The bystander, the victim, the hero, the bad guy, the under dog, the misunderstood hero ir bad guy, etc.

Well in Naruto I would probably just be one of his friends, and not as important as ya know, Naruto and Sasuke.

In OHSHC I would be a customer of Hikaru and Kaoru, probably someone that will grow to be...more of a customer? Idk.

10. Vlante or Zanvis?

Wait is Vlante Dante and Vylad? And is Zanvis Travis and Zane? Alright...both of them don't make much sense but I think Vlante would be more likely to happen.

11. Garrence or Vlante?


12. Garrence or Zanvis?


13. Did the last three annoy you?

Garrence. Wait, wut? Oh, this isn't a ship question? Hmmmm...not by much.

Now for my questions!!

Just use her questions. I'm tired. Just answer those questions I answered.

Also, sorry if I tagged you twice and you didn't want to do it. Cuz I'm gonna tag like the same people.


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