What About Thanksgiving?

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Yes people, it is finally happening. I MADE A NEW CHAPTER! Btw, does anyone still read this book? If you do, don't forget to drop a vote and a comment to show yourself off! It can be anything, and if you want me to reply, I'll do it!


I know the holidays. I've been through 23 years of them myself. And you know what I've learned? There are three different kinds of people when it comes to the holidays.

First, there's those festive LOVERS. It's October 1st, there house looks like a haunted mansion. Inside and out. It's Halloween, and they give out candy or dress up and go trick or treating NO MATTER WHAT. And then the day after that, BOOM. Novemeber 1st.

To them, that means Christmas.

So in about two seconds, there haunted mansion has completely vanished into their basement or garage or attic and in comes the most wondeful time of the year. Christmas lights, Stockings, the wreath, heck, even the Christmas tree is up with every single ornament on its branches! And ohnonono, they did not forget Thanksgiving. They always have that one little Thankagiving decoration they have to point out whenever someone says "What about Thanksgiving?"

And of course, they plan to eat Thanksgiving by their Christmas tree.

I can name one person that would do all of this.

Then, there's the average human being.
Decorates for Halloween a bit, puts out some candy, Novemeber 1st they know all the halloween shiz goes down into the basement for the next year.

Then they wait a bit.

Second to third week of November, they get into the holiday spirit. And of course, never forget Thanksgiving in anything.

Well, sometimes they do. But hey, no one's perfect.

They're nice to be around. They're into the Christmas spirit, decorated, but didn't go OVERBOARD. The cozy type. And trust me, they NEVER forget the mistletoe.

Then theres the grinches and bahumbugs out there who ain't do nothin at all. Either they don't got the time or they just don't care.

Thankfully, no one I know is like that.

Okay, maybe Zane is a little bit grinchy, but he still enjoys Christmas.

You wanna guess the type Garroth is?

Let me get this straight. I. LOVE. CHRISTMAS.

But I also love Thanksgiving. And in the month of Thanksgiving, EVERYONE ignores it and just goes merrily along there way, decorating their house with Christmas decor.
Come on! You've gotta at least PRETEND you give Thanksgiving at least a little recognition...

So yes, you can call me the type of person that stands up for Thanksgiving. My frickin' birthday is on Thanksgiving this year. I decorate the kitchen with Turkey napkin holders and cornacopias and little pilgrim hats. I plan what we eat on Thanksgiving. I plan the big dinner, who will be invited, who's coming, what will be served. I EAT. I do everything. Except for cooking. That's up to Laurance and Dante.

Which is why Thanksgiving is at our house every year. Mummy taught me to be thankful, so I am! No harm in going overboard with the lovely holiday, right? You get to eat as much as you want and acknowledge eveything you're thankful for, which is what I absolutely love about the holiday.

And if there's one thing I'm absolutely thankful for, it's Laurance. My wonderful, adorable, handsome, loyal, caring Laurance. Everyday, I feel so thankful towards him and all his love for me.

And I plan to express that on Thanksgiving.

Uh, see, the thing is...I don't know how!

I do have something really special I've been holding onto, but I want to save that for another more festive and memorable holiday coming later. Speaking of which, I went upstairs and searched around my room for the well hidden area I put it in. Opening the box's lid to make sure it was still there, I smiled.

Coming down the stairs, I passed by Laurance, smiling his adorable smile at me. I couldn't help but blush at the thought of giving him what I wanted to give him in December. Next, he laughed at my reaction.

"Why're you blushing? I think you've seen me smile before."

"Yes, but this time it's...different."

"Oh yeah? How?"

"I...can't put it into words. Instead, come here." He didn't hesitate. In an instant, he was in front of me.

"Yeeesss?" The baby blue eyes looking up into my prismarine ones, I outstretched my arms to wrap him, leaning against my body. He was so warm. Laurance silently did the same. The use of words was useless right now. At this moment, our actions spoke more than any words we could have ever said. Except for a few.

"I love you a lot, Laurance."

"I love you more."

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