Laurance Gets SICK

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Do you ever get the feeling you're being...avoided?

Yeah well, I don't have a clue if this goes on in every relationship at some point, but I feel like Laurance has been avoiding me.

This isn't just him going out once or twice in a few days, this is Laurance going out everyday for hours on end. Where? I don't know. Why? I don't know. All I know, is that he's going out.

The first few times he did it, he came up with some excuses he made right on the spot, I could tell now. When he caauht on he wasn't believing me, he just went.

I didn't get angry for him lying to me though. I didn't know if he actually was going to where he said or not, so it makes it difficult to tell. One day Laurance told me he wanted to hang out with Lucinda for a while, I texted her when Laurance came back and she said Laurance actually did come.

I just hope the unthinkable didn't happen. I mean it is thinkable, but it would be unbelievable if Laurance is doing some things etched in the back of my mind that I never want him to do to me and never want to do to him.

Like, I dare say it, cheat on me.

It has crossed my mind a couple of times in the past two weeks. A small part of me keeps thinking the worst possible scenarios, cheating included, but I know better. When Laurance goes out, he would never spend the night anywhere. He would never come back  with that dumb face you have when you get banged or hit on or flirted on. He was never happier than when he leaved.

Every day, he would go out, telling me that "he's just going out", with a slightly neutral attitude. But everyday, a slight tinge of hope and confidence slips past his neutral cover. Then when he comes home, all of that confidence and hope was gone. I don't know what to think of it.

My mind always gets the better of me in these types of situations.

Why is he avoiding me?

What the hell is he doing?

Why is he taking so long?

Did I do something wrong?

Was it because I ate all of his dinner last night? Wasn't my fault he felt sick after a few spoonfulls of that stuff.

Does he even need me anymore?

My thoughts were thankfully interrupted by the sound of a door being closed and footsteps walking down the stairs- the new daily routine had begun. Laurance will get up, eat breakfast, say his goodbyes, and go out until later that night, when he returns.

Nevertheless, I put a smile on my face.

"Morning Laurance! You're awake especially late today...what do you want for breakfast?" My smile faded as I took his appearance in.

As he came down the stairs, his usually tamed brown hair was suffering from a bad case of bedhead, he looked really tired, and he was almost as pale as Zane set aside his deeply flushed face. His face was covered in sweat, even though it was late Autumn and he was dressed in a shirt and boxers.

"Morning, Garroth." He tried to smile and look like he had no trouble making his way to the couch I was sitting on.

"Uh, are you planning to go out today?"

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