Izari's dying wish and Sasuke's memories. (Sasuke's point of view.)

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I stood before my older brother in anger and pure hatred. He sat apon the Uchiha throne in the same position as he did back at the point. No matter how  much I wanted to hurt him, I couldn't... Yet.. "How did you know Izari?" I spat out my curiosity like it was poison.

"Izari and I met on a mission, back at the village." His tone never hitched, not even the slightest bit.

"Izari and Takara are from the hidden sound not the leaf, don't fuck around!" I hissed, holding out my Katana.

"Takara, obviously didn't tell you everything. Herself and Izari were origonally from the leaf but on the day their clan started fighting they went to the sound. You wouldn't remember the symbol of the clan printed in the village because of Izari." 

My eyes widened in fear, yet more shock than anything. "What are you talking about? I thought I told you 'no fucking around!' Darn you."

"Her kekkei genkai. Takara still hasn't told you, hasn't she?" He started, resting his cheek on his gently clenched fist. Elbow to the arm rest of the chair. I lowered my head but kept my piercing death-stear. "The Imarne clan are able to play with peoples minds, however they like."

"For instance...?" 

"For instance, Takara stealing Deidara's power from his simple mind and Izari stole your memories of you and your relationship with her clan when you were little."

"That's enough, Itachi." That farmiliar voice made me shake in confusion. What the fuck was going on? Why was she here? And how could a human being do such a thing, like that?

"I knew you'd come."

"Of course, you did." She stood inbetween us and started doing hand signs, too fast to see. "Summoning jutsu." Her sigh was light as her palm crashed against the hard, cold, concreate floor. Six girls morphed from a hypnotising hue of blue and black, as the girls stood around her with the rennegan activated, in both eyes.

"Ta-kara? What are you doing here?!" I hissed, slightly agrovated.

"Putting an end to this shit and calming your testosterone." She spoke coldly. "You know what to do." The girls surrounding her nodded and flashed in the blue and black theme they held. Before I knew it I was on the ground, unable to speak or move, until sleep came in a head ache.

I woke up, keeping the head ache. I grunted in a tired hiss, as I tried to move. I had been tied up. I saw my Katana on the oppisite side of the room and narrowed my eyes in a shadow-reaction. (A subcontious habbit.) "What the fucking hell are you doing?!" I hissed, turning my head to the tratior.

"I already told you, Sasuke." She sat on her knees with Itachi laying on the ground, his head resting in her lap as a pillow. They were surrounded by ink sealing drawings on the concreate. "Now, shut up or this will go wrong." She made more invisible handsigns before placing her palm over Itachi's sleeping eyes. If she took him down, she had the perfect plan that consisted of no flaws. "Sealing jutsu."

I watched the ink glow in a turquoise haze, matching chidori as it danced, closer and closer to the two. Itachi's eyes glowed the same colour, under his lilds before the ink continued to shift to the Imarne's hand, creating a seal. "What did you do to him?" I asked with bigger eyes than I knew I had.

"I saved him, just like I'm going to save you." She stated, shifting her gaze to meet mine.

"Don't talk about saving me, you're a liar." I hissed, looking away in a quick drop of the head.

"I didn't lie, I just didn't tell you the truth. Sasuke, you need to give it up."

"Give what up?" I spat, hearing her shift as she rose up and begun stepping closer to me.

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