Their Shrink {1D Fan Fiction}

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"So you're telling me that you want me to be a psycologist for your boys?" I ask as I sit in the fancy office. 

"Yes, they have gotten hate from haters and they are being put under even higher mount of pressure since they have reached a new height of fame. I want to prevent them from being brought to the edge of no return. I hear that you are the best when it comes to the younger crowd." The tall british man says as he leans on his big desk. 

"I see you've done your homework," I chuckle crossing my right leg over my left. My light brown pencil skirt limiting just how much I can cross my legs. 

"But I want to hear it from your mouth."

"Fine, I have opened my own practice at the age of 20, containg 30 retained clients which some are high profile. I have talked down 5 jumpers, prevented 20 mental breakdowns and saved 15 careers. I specialize in the age group of under 30 years of age. I graduated from Cambridge University with a PhD in Psycology and a Doctrate it Sociology at the age of 16."  I smile knowing my accomplishments make me qualified. 

"That's exactly why I am hiring you. You up to the challenge?" He smiles devilishly and extends his hand out. 

"Absolutely. When do I start?" I ask closing my portfolio. I grab his hand and shake it. 

"Tomorrow work for you?"

"Yes, shall we have the first group session then? 30 minute session?" 

"Works fine for me, and I'll make the boys do it."

"Good, well you do understand that I will only tell you of what is dicussed in sessions if their lives are put art risk."

"Yes I understand."

"It'll be a pleasure to work with the boys and you, Mr. Cowell." I smile and shake Simon's hand. 

"The pleasure is all mine Miss Riley," He smiles at me. 

I put my portfolio into my breif case then walk out. My new clients were five boys who probably won't open up. But they have never met a girl like me. 

My name is Elizabeth Riley and I'm ther Shrink. 


Hey guys!!! 

So I thought of this idea at 3 in the morning so I want to know what you guys think. Please vote and comment on what you think about this idea. 

Love you all!!

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