Ch. 2

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Beth's POV 

"So you guys started without me?" I hear that brilliant Irish voice coming into the room. 

"We got started at 10 like I said we would. Niall, I would like you to meet your new psychiatrist," Simon indicates towards me. "Miss Riley, this is Niall Horan."

"Niall's head turned my direction and I took in one last deep breath. I knew he would be aggravated with me, beyond belief. The only thing I'm holding onto is that he might have felt that spark I felt when I met him. 

I watch as his eyes grow quite large and he recognizes me. I can read it in the subtleties in his face. I pray that he won't say anything or over react. 

"So when does this bullshit start?" Harry asks.

"After breakfast," Simon says and I am the first one out the room. I noticed there's a buffet set-up, and all the food looked really good. I hurriedly grab a pumpkin muffin and a glass of apple juice. I walk to an elevated table so I can observe. The boys won't open up right away, I know this for a fact. 

I close my eyes and put my earbuds in once again I have to push down the emotions to get through a session with them. I eat alone the entire 20 minutes. I then make a run to my car to get my briefcase. It's actually just a dark brown leather messenger bag, that contains my notepad,pen, schedule, business cards and my placebo sugar pills. I walk back to the office building and find Simon in his office. I knock on the door and soon let in. 

"You ready to begin Miss Riley?" Simon asks from behind his desk. 

"Yes, where will we be doing our session?" I ask remaining just inside the threshold. 

"A conference room down the hall. If the boys give you any trouble-"

"I know how to handle most situations Mr. Cowell. That's why you hired me, isn't it?" I slightly smile. 

"Of course it is. First door at the end of the hall on the left. I'll get the boys there soon."

Niall's POV 

It couldn't be her. 

That's all I was thinking. The girl who I really liked at the coffee shop, is actually a shrink. nd not just any shrink...our shrink. 

The way she spoke to me made me believe that she was interested in the real me. She's beautiful, brilliant, caring, insightful. I don't want to believe that it was all just to get into my head. What other reason's were there though?

"Boys, you are to report to conference room D," one of the assistants tells us. 

"I don't like this," Zayn mumbles as we all start walking towards the room. 

"Me either. It's like Simon thinks we're going to have a complete mental breakdown," Louis says indicating to his head. 

"Maybe he's just looking out for our well being. He's doing this to prevent a breakdown, because he cares," Liam suggests. 

"I understand that, but the girl is our age! How could she be as insightful as someone older?"

"She's graduated college already Lou. She's probably bloody brilliant," I say curtly. 

"Yeah, she could also be manipulative," Harry says right before we reach the door. 

"Louis opens the door to reveal Best sitting in one of the chairs in the chairs in a semi circle. One side is composed of five chairs and the other side is where Beth is. 

"Please take a seat gentlemen," she says out stretching her arm. 

We all file in and take the seats. Zayn is to the far left then Louis, Harry, Liam then me. 

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