Ch. 7

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Beth's POV 

What the fuck am I doing? Why am I allowing emotions to run my actions? My mind is racing with these thoughts. 

I am still sitting on the couch as Niall places the pizza on the coffee table infront of us. I feel him place his arm around my waist and every emotion inside of me ignites. I haven't felt these feelings since... since... I don't know if I have ever felt these feelings. God I was allowing emotions back into my life, not good for my life.... but it feels so good. 

"Beth you alright?" He asks, I am pretty sure that he can feel me over thinking this whole thing.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be ok?" I ask looking into his gorgeous blue eyes. 

"You just seem distant, like you got stuck.... in.... your.... head," inbetween each of final words he kissed my neck. It was easily accesable due to me having put my hair into a messy bun atop my head while he was getting the pizza.

He was incredibly close to finding my weak spot. God if he got there, I wouldn't be able to control myself any longer all my emotions would take over and that wouldn't end well for me.

"I do that a lot. You might as well get used to it. Now start the movie, I haven't seen this movie in forever," I say leaning forward opening the pizza box. It was pepparonni and sausage, with olives on half. 

"Alright," he says and I detect the slight depressed tone in his voice. He wanted this to go further. God so did I-I mean my body. My body wanted to be all over him, kiss over every inch and run my fingers through his incredibly soft hair. 

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I let my emotions run my love life for a while, what could possibly go wrong? He is like Daniel. I know that for the fact that I am a pre-emptive measure for Niall, while Danny was laready critically depressed and had been for years. 

I take a bite of the pizza and moan at the taste, God it had been forever since I had pizza. Tess was on a health food kick, and so I couldn't have this goodness. 

"You like?" Niall chuckles as he takes a piece. 

"Love, haven't had anything that's bad for you in soooo long. My roommate is on a health kick so she went through and threw out all the junk food, or as she called it poison," I chuckle and so did Niall. Actually he laughed. "So I did what any sane person would do... I hid crisps in my room alog with sour punch straws, and chocolate." I was legitamately laughing with Niall. I haven't done this with a guy in forever. 

"Seriously?" He laughed. 

"Yeah," I laughed with him as I took another bite. 

"That is honestly funny. How has your roommate not found them?"

"I know her well, I know places that she wouldn't look."

"That sounds perfectly normal, Miss psychologist," he says with heavy sarcasm. 

"I have my quirks, just like anyone else. Like Harry," I say about to prove just how brilliant I am.

"What about Harry?"

"He has kept the the same hairstyle due to him still being attaced to the idea of his boy-ish charms being connected to his hair. His hairstryle hasn't changed much so...." I say finishing off one peice and moving to the next. 

"You have got to be kidding, he has changed his hair thank you very much. You aren't-"

"I wasn't finished" I say with my mouth full. "He only recently changed it due to him realizing that as a man he can pull off a more suave charm that would work better than any boy-ish charm could." I say with a cocky smile.

"You just know everything don't you?" Niall chuckles as the movie continues to play in the background.

"No, I am just observient and make connections. That is what I am paid to do. I'll probably bring it up to him later, but now... now I am going to let my emotions cloud my mind and tell the logical analytical part of my brain to shut down for a while," I say as I finish off my second piece of pizza. 

Niall catches my drift, thankfully. I mean couldn't have made it anymore blatant for him. He pulls me to face him and his arm pulls me as close to his chest as he possibly could at this moment in time. I bit my lip knowing that it is a trigger for most men. 

"You know just how to drop a hint," he chuckles before I counter by pushing him away and running towards his room. I was going to let the childish part of me take over. Childish Beth is rarely let to control my body. 

"You have to catch me," I laugh as I run to hall. 

I do make it to his doorway when I feel a pair of hands grasp my waist. God was his touch a match  to my body of gasoline. I get pulled back and lightly tossed against the wall. I liked it rough-ish, I mean it's exhilerating to a point. Niall was using the right amount of force, as if he already knew my likes. 

"I caught you, what's my prize?" he growls into my ear sexily. 

"Me," I whisper back into his ear, kissing just below his ear. He has body pressed against mine and God his abs I could feel through my top. It was a simple tank top so I could feel almost anything through it. 

He took my hands and gripped them over my head.

"Then your mine then?" He asks looking into my eyes. It was as if he was pearing into my soul and seeing me as I really am. Also as if he was asking me to be only his.

"No one else, only yours," I say knowing I wanted this just as badly as he did. 

"Good," he says before pushing his lips onto mine. Our kiss was on fire, the passion was engulfed in flames and I just wanted him to kiss every inch of my exposed skin.

I feel him smile against my lips and I smile too knowing that I was with the person I actually wanted to be with. Other guys just wanted me physically, nothing else, or others wanted to pick my brain. Niall is different. I don't know why yet, but he is. 

He let my hands go and mine went to his neck then to his hair. God it was just so fucking soft that I didn't know how the hell he did it. His hand simulatniously went to my thighs as if signalling. I knew the signal well. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his hips. His arms went around my waist and he started to walk to what I assume is his room. I feel him break away as I get set onto something soft, his bed. 

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