Ch. 22

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Beth's POV 

"So I was told by a patient that you diagnosed her as a sociopath?" I ask the stupid doctor. 

I did, and you have a problem with my diagnosis? He is such and arogant ass hole. Why did I send Nicole to him. 

"Yes I disagree, she called me, and she sounded very upset. I cannot believe that you would straight out call her a sociopath. You have had what, two sessions with her? You cannot just say that after two sessions. I have had over twenty sessions with Nicole and she is just coled off about her emotions because when she does let her feelings show she gets hurt, so she prefers not to let them out." 

You have become emotional with this-

"Bull shit, I just have gotten to know her and honetsly you have no idea who you're patients are besides what you see of them in your office. I get to know my patients outside of my office so I can make a fair and correct diagnosis." I am starting to become incredibly peeved with Killian. 

You are emotionally involved with Nicole and that makes your judgements off and connected emotionally. YOu are not fit to make any judgements about Miss Jones. 

"Ok then did you notice her body language when she walks into the office?"

Yes of course, he responds acting as if I am not a genius here. 

"Did you see how she only uncrosses her arms and looks up after she leaves the doors of the office, but when she is in your office she criss-crosses her legs on the couch, crosses her arms and looks at the ground the entire session?" I am about to show his ass how wrong he is. 


"Then you should also notice that a sociopath would typically be better at pretending that everything is good and you wouldn't be able to tell that after 2 flipping sessions now shut up and appriciate that I am moving her to another practice cause you abiously have not the capacity to understand her or most of my other patients, so you just lost a shit ton of buisness. Good bye Dr. Killian." I hang up the ohone and close my eyes as I fall onto a couch in the room.

I strat making calls to my patients saying that Dr. Killian is incompetant and I will be moving them to Dr. Jamison, who is more like me and is better equipted than that idiot. They are easier to move this time because none of them like Killian. My last call is to Nicole. It has been an hour and a half since I called Killian. I am tired of talking about how I messed up with placing them with him.

"Nicole?" I call her.

Hi Dr. Beth, did you talk to Killian? She is almost nervous in her tone, almost thinking that I will agree with what he says, even though I totally don't.

"Yes I did. I am having you actually go see Dr. Jamison, she is more lie me and I believe that she will see you how I see you, simply closed off to new people and not a sociopath. Honey you definitely are not that. I promise you." 

Thank god, I thought I started to hear her crying.

"You ok dear," I ask not realiing how much this stressed her. 

Yeah, I just did not want to go back to him and have him treat me like a person that has no emotions when I do. Thank you so so much. 

"You are very welcom Nicole, I never want you to feel that way. You just have have a difficult time opening up and Killian is a dipsit. Don't take anything he said seriously. You are perfectly normal, you just have some issues opening up to people. That can be fixed though, with doing the exercises that we worked on while I was with you. I'll be back in a month or two."

Thank you so so much Dr. Beth. I cannot tell you how much better I feel now that I don't have to go back to him. I was considering ... that maybe he was right, I could hear her crying now. 

"You take nothing he says for real, you are not a sociopath, you are perfectly normal and he is just an ignorant fool. You never even think about going down the road you were thinking of. I am always here. I am not leaving you alone. I am always here for you just like I was when I was in London," I say closing my eyes. 

You are amazing. Thank you so much. I have to go do home work. 

"Alright, have a good night, see you when I get back," I smile into the phone and the line goes dead and I just want to take a nap. I really like Nicole cause she is so normal and just has opening up issues. She is so sweet when you get her to open up. I was honestly so happy I callen Killian and got her out of there. 

"What was that?" I hear a voice say from the doorway. 

"Ashton?" I ask as I look at the door and see that curly hair and that bandana. 

"Yeah, what was taht conversation about sociopaths?" He walks into the room and looks so confused. 

"Do you really want to know?" I ask hoping that he won't even want to know. 

"Yeah, I wanna know," well shit.

"It has to do with my job and that girl is not a sociopath, contrary to what my idiot of a colleage thinks."

"Wait I don't get it? Are you a shrink?" He says looking at me all weird.

I have nothing to say but I just nod, I don't know what will come next. I can't read him right now. Which scares me.



So I updated!!! Yay!!! I hope you like it and it was kinda a filler but the last part was important. I hope you all will continue to read this and vote and comment. So since I got a good response, let's say get 5 votes/ or comments and I'll update soon after. Thank you so much for reading this. I appriciate it more than you know. 

Love you all!!!

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