Ch. 4

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"Beth!!! You have a call from a Mr. Cowell!" I hear Tess yell in my room. I groan and roll, literally out of bed. I lay on the ground as Tess hands me my phone.

"Hello?" I answer still a little foggy headed from just waking up. 

Elizabeth? I hear Simon say into my ear.

"Yes how may I help you Simon?" I ask not wanting to sound rude. 

I need you to come into the office this morning at 10. The boys will be there and we need someone to mediate. 

"Ok, I'll be there," I say trying to sound up for it. I sooooo am not. I am too tired for this!!

I hang up the phone and try to get up but my body is just telling me that it wants to just go back to bed and relax. I fight it and head to my closet. I pull out a good work outfit. I pull out a turquios V-neck chiffon blouse with concealed button placket. Chest pockets, 3/4-length sleeves, and pearlescent buttons. I then pull out a Short crêpe skirt with side pockets, visible zip and rounded slit at back. (Pic in external link) Then I pull out a pair of black tights and my leather jacket. 

I pull on everything then head to get my shoes, black suade anckle boots with a 3 1/4 inch stilleto heel. I head to the bathroom and work with my hair. I find the bun maker and pull it into the bun. I get out my make up and do my usual make-up but put the eyeliner on a little thicker. I them pull out my clear lipgloss and put it on. It smelled and tasted like vanilla, which I personally love!

I walk out and see Tess snuggled on the couch with a cup of hot coco and a very soft blanket. 

"You made some for me right?" I ask as I head to the kitchen.

"No, I thought you'd go to a meeting early in the morning without getting some kind of sugar in your system," she says sarcastically and see my to-go cup of  the good stuff. 

"I love you Tess," I chuckle as I go grab my breif case and purse. 

"Love you too. Be safe!" Tess yells as I leave towards my car. I get in and start my engine. 

As I drive I can't stop thinking about last night. With Niall's lips on mine The way they moved in sync instantly. It was like we were supposed to do this.

I had to forget about this as I approach the building. I shake my head and park. I just go over everything I have to do today in my head as I go into the giant elavator. I watch the levels light up as I pass them. I was still fighting the tiredness, but I had to look wide awake. 

As the correct floor doors open I walk into the hallway and find the receptionist. 

"Good morning, I have been requested," I say trying to soud both polite and awake.

"Oh yes, they are waiting for you in his office, you can just head back," she smiles sweetly at me. 

"Thank you, have a great day," I smile trying to not be rude. As I head back I know that I am 1) going to look tired and 2) be giving Niall looks and vice versa. Who cares as long as no one notices. Right 

I open the door and I can ftell that this was not the best time to waltz in. 

"I'm sorry, I'll just-" I say closing the door slightly but Simon cuts me off.

"No, Elizabeth, please come in. You were just in time for me to request something of you," he says pointing me towards a seat closer to his desk. The boys were in chairs around that one and I could feel the tension. 

"Sure, I am at your disposal," I say looking at him as I sit down. 

"Well as you know the boys will be going on tour soon."

"Yes, I have been made aware of that," I say nodding at the man.

"Well you have had clients in the past, I am told, who have had tours."

"Yes that's correct." I was a bit annoyed, and wondering why he would be pointing out the obvious to me. 

"So you know how a tour can wear on a person.These boys are no different, so that is why I am requesting for you to go on tour with them and continue your evaluation and talk therapy with them." he says it so calming and with a slight smirk on his face. 

My jaw drops and so do the boys'. 

"Um, I'm sorry did we hear you correctly? You want the shrink on tour with us?" Louis says in a demeaning tone. He emphasized the word 'shrink'  as if it were a peice of soiled underwear. 

"You did hear me correctly Louis." Simon says before I jump in.

"Ok first, Louis I would prefer it if you wouldn't call me a shrink. It's as if you are saying that what I do means nothing and it is a demeaning term in my line of business so no one in this room should call me that. And second," I direct towards Simon. "I have other clients, not just these boys. I have people who are depending on me. They need me, and these boys seem pretty good on their own if you ask me. They don't want me here."

"I'll be tripling your salary for the inconvenience and I am well aware of your other clients, but as you have previously stated, you are at my disposal. You will be going with the boys on their US tour. It starts in two days. I will give you further instruction tomorrow. Please make arrangements for your other clients and be ready to leave." Simon made me feel so small. That hasn't happened since grad school. 

"Yes sir," I breathe out and leave out the door, and the boys follow behind. I want to be fuming but the psychologist half of me is taking control and shutting off emotions. I head to the elavator and press the ground floor and Niall just happens to slip in right before the doors close. 

"So," he starts.

"So, I say sounding emotionless.

"You can cut the shr-psychologist crap. This is me, the Niall you saw that the bar last night." he says flipping the switch so the elevator stopped moving. "Talk to me."

"He thinks he can just make me drop everything because his precious band is going where I can't reach. I have other people who depend on me, but does he think about that? No, he is being selfish. I was warned about him." I mumble the last part as Niall pulls me into his chest. God it was like he knew I needed this, even though my head didn't. 

 "You wanna hear an upside?" Niall asks as he places his head on top of mine. 

"What would that be," I mumble.

"You get to be with me," I could practically hear the smile on his face. I'll admit I was slightly smiling too. 

"He just can't blind side me like  that though," I say backing away.

"Yeah, we got blindsided with the news too. I would've warned you, you know." He flips the switch and the elevator continues down. "Hey here's a crazy thought, why don't you come over to my place. We can just eat and watch movies?"

"You have no idea how relaxing that would be but I now have a lot of work to do. Me having to take off means that I will have to make arrangements for my other clients. Leading me to have to set them up with my colleges. How about when I leave work, I'll call you and you can pick me up and then I am all yours," I smile at him. 

"Sounds like a plan," he smirks then kisses my forehead right before the doors open. We both exit and go our separate ways. 

I can't stop smiling and I don't know why, which is strange, cause I can alwya s rationalize why I smile. This is different. I don't know how I feel about it to be honest. So I just keep smiling all the way to my office where I start making phone calls.


Hello faithful reader(s)

So I thought  that I'd post a chapter for you cause you know. It's been a while. I hope you are liking it cause I like writing it. I hope that you are all doing well and I hope that life is teating you wel. Please comment and tell what you think of the story. 

Love you all!!!

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