Ch. 19

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Beth's POV 

"Yes I said she. Is that weird?" I say sitting up. 

"Are you telling me you dated a girl?" He sits up and looks so confused. 

"Yes, only one though, I was sworn off men for a while and it's perfectly normal to expirament with one's sexuality," I say shrugging it off. 

"Why were you sworn off men? Did one break your heart, cause one guy doesn't mean-" I cut him off as I started to get annoyed. 

"I know that men will break my heart and doesn't mean that all guys will. This guy was different," I say not wanting to tell him the whole story. 

"What made him different? Were you in love with him or something?" He sounded exasperated. 

"Yes, I was. And I shouldn't have been with him to begin with," I say getting up from the bed and staring at the wall. 

"Why couldn't you be with him?"


"Come on you can tell me," he puts his arms around my waist and it makes it hard to keep my ground. 


"Please Beth," he whispers and I crumble.

"He was a patient," I say quietly.

"A patient." His voice lost all infliction. 

"Yeah, I was young and he was depressed. He's the reason I seem so distant with some people. He was the reason I left London for a year too. I couldn't bear to think of the memories with him. I still can't walk by the building he jumped from." I say monotone. 

"Did you see-" I already knew wht he was going to ask.

"Yes, I did. I went on a three month hiatus after then started to get back to what I was good at and then I got a call from his mum. I got out of the country then and I met Andy. She saved me and got me to save lives and I got used to death from working with her. I also saved lives and that felt amazing. The getting shot at part wasn't fun but, everything else besides that with her was. Then I realized that I wasn't gay and so we broke up and still worked together until my contract was up and I went back to London." I turn around and look into his perfectly blue eyes. 

"You got shot at?" He asks with a bit of a smirk.

"Yeah and I shot some people, I now have a body count. It's low but they all had it coming. Some of them got me though. I am suprised you didn't ask about the scars," I laugh trying to get the topic away from HIM. 

"Wait you've been shot?" he asks and his eyes went wide. I move the fabric covering my shoulder and reveal the scar. "Oh my god. Did it hurt?"

"No it tickled," I lather the words with sarcasm. 

"But seriosuly that's impressive. You should tell the guys that, they'll see you differently."

"I wasn't done," I say showing him the one on my hip. 

"Anywhere else that I should've noticed?" he laughs and pulls me into his chest.

"Nope, just those two places. And you still haven't found my tattoos," I say smirking devilishly. 

"You have more than one?" He looked shocked and it made me laugh. 

"Yeah I bet you can't find it," I challenge the boy. 

"Oh I will take that bet, after lunch. You wanna order in?"  I watch as the lust takes over his body. His muscles constrict trying to pull me in close and his pupils dialate along with going darker. 

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