Ch. 6

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Beth's POV

"Niall open the door!" I know that voice, it's Harry.

My eyes grow wide as Niall's does as well. "Fuck, they can't know I'm here," I say and scramble towards the room that Niall threw my stuff in. 

"Niall open the damn door!" Louis yells through the door.

"Go hide in there, and if they go in there go in the closet or bathroom." Niall says helping me.

"Now go and act like you were having a nap. Let me help," I say taking off his short and messing up his hair. I didn't realize but I was making him even more attractive to me. Fuck me. No actually- no nope not going there. 

"Yeah," he says before smirking and closing the door and I open it a crack to watch him as he swaggers to get the door. 

"The hell guys? I was sleeping," Niall yawns as he opens the door to the boys. The two file in and go into the kitchen where I can hear them but can't see them.

"Yeah, that's why we came over, we are taking you out with us tonight since in two days we will be on tour. It's basically like our last night of freedom," I hear Harry say.

"I have plans," Niall says nonchalaunt. I actually want to see how fat he'll go with evading.

"What do you mean? You never have plans right before a tour," Louis says and I hear the suprise in his voice. It's legitamate.

"Well I do and if you two could leave so I could get ready that would be-" Niall is trying hard to get them out but he gets cut off by Harry.

"Wait who do you have plans with cause Liam is going with us and Zayn is with Perrie. So who do you have plans with?" 

"Someone that you don't need to know about. So please allow me to get ready," he sounds annoyed which sells that he wants them gone. I can't tell if it's legitamate or not. 

"It's a girl isn't it?" 

"Wow you are such a detective Harry, now please leave ." I see them near the door and I watch as Niall is ushering them out the door. 

"Why can't we know who she is?" Louis asks sounding a bit offended.

"It's a first date and I just want to have some alone time. Please," he sounds almost desperate. I'd believe him, and I read people for a living. 

"Fine, but you are going to tell us about the date when we get on the plane. Understand?" Harry says before the pair is out of the door. 

"Of course," Niall says before closing the door and locking it. He check the front window as I walk through the hallway towards him.

"That was close," I say walking in and he turns around to look at me. 

"Yeah, that was. Hopefully that'll be the last close shave," he chuckles as we both get back o the couch. I end up snuggled into his chest. My head is on his chest while his arm is around my waist and his head ontop of mine. 

"So this is a first date?" I ask as the previews come up on the screen.

"What?" He asks moving his head to look at me.

"You told the boys that this was a first date," I say looking at him.

"Well it kinda is? Wouldn't ya say?"



"Starbucks, then the bar," I say with a small smile on my face. 

"So this is a third?" He asks looking at me.

"Yeah, as far as I'm counting," I smirk as I look into his oh-so blue eyes. God I couldstare into them for eternity. - God what is hppening to me? 

"That sounds fine to me," he says and I lean out of his arms and I face him so I coud see his body language. 

"So, if the boys hadn't come knocking, what were we doing?" I say trying to play coy. He knows that I am and plays along. 

"Oh I think it had something to do with this," he closes the distance as he says this. 

Right as our lips brush I hear my phone go off. It's my client ringer so I have to take it.

"I'm sorry I have to take that. It's a client, they only call if an emergency," I say grabbing my phone and answering. "Hey, what's going on?" I ask as I answer.

Niall's POV 

I watch her as she paces the floor just behind the couch we were just sitting. I listen to her side of the conversation and it sounds like it is indeed an emergency. 

"Faye, calm down... I know your mum's going through stuff right now and she didn't mean to ignor you... You know she loves you don't say that...Faye breathe with me. In and out...In and out... that's it. Now I want you to put the blade down." The hell is going on? is all that is running through my head at this moment. "Did you do it?... You know what I'm going to do right?... Yeah I'll have her look you over for anything new... You didn't interrupt anything. You know that I am always here for you... I made a commitment to you that I wouldn't leave you alone... Now I want you to go over to your friend Anne's house and have her watch you... You told me that she is who makes you feel better when you get like this.... Yes you can call me at anytime... Alright I want you to text me when you reach Anne's understand me?... Ok night Faye." She says as she gets off the phone.

I notice that she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before even looking at me.

"Well that was... interessting to say the least. What was up?" I ask as she sits back down. 

"A patient who suffers from depression. Those tyoes of calls haven't happened in a couple of months so it was a shock to hear from her. She's been doing really well," she says with a sad smile.

"You really care about your patients don't you?" I say wrapping my arm around her and pulling her close to me.

"Yeah I do, I jut think that people need someone who will be there for them and listen to them. That's what I am," she says looking up at me. "I also figure out why they are that way, how to catagorize them so I can treat them." 

"You know you make that sound so seductive," I chuckle as I move my lips towards hers. She moves hers toward mine.

"I can tell you everything you want to hear," she whispers right before our lips connect. That is when the doorbell rings again. "I bet that's pizza."

"I'll get it. Then you and I are contnueing where we left off," I say pointing at her and grabbing some money off the counter.

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