Ch. 18

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Beth's POV 

I just happened to see Andy, an old friend from the FBI. I worked with her on some serial killer cases. I was the resident profiler and she was the agent I was assaigned to. This was when I took a hiatus from London and moved to DC. She is one of the youngest agents in her division. She loves her work and especially loves carrying a gun. 

"Well if it isn't Andy Johnson?" I laugh as I walk over to where she is sitting and waiting.

"Elizabeth Riley, damn you look even better than I remember," she smirks and gets up to hug me. I embrace my old friend and inhale that familiar perfume. 

"God it is good to see you," she mumbles into my shoulder. 

"Good to see you too," I chuckle and back up from the embrace so I could change into a robe. I grab her hand and pull her in the locker room with me.  "So what are you doing here and not DC?" I ask as I find an open locker. 

"I'm on vacation at the moment. I know shocking," we laugh due to her never taking a leave of absence. 

"That's out of character," I look at her as I pull off my shirt and de clothe entire and pull on the robe.

"I just had a string of kids being kidnapped, tortured and killed. I need a break from the awful." She says leaning against the wall and her eyes rake over my body.

"I see, I remeber my last case with you was a string of home invasion murders. That ended up with me getting shot," I laugh remebering being shot in the shoulder. I'm actually suprised that Niall hadn't noticed the scar. It was a 9mm. I got lucky that the unsub was not a good shot. 

"That wasn't funny, I was so scared when that bullet hit you," she laughs as we head back to the waiting room. 

"I was the one who got shot trying to get him to release the little girls. Jesus Andy, have you ever been shot?" I ask right as we just so happen to get called for our messages. 

"Yes twice, you were there for the second. Remeber in North Dakota? With the cannible?" She says and that is when we get a look from the message therapists. We just laugh. 

"Oh yeah, in your leg, speaking of which, you are not limping anymore," I say as I lay on the bed thing they have set up. The lighting is dim and there are candles everywhere and a waterfall somewhere making noise. It is all meant to be calming and it is for most people. 

"Yeah, finally finished physical thereapy," I could hear the smile on her face. I am laying on my stomach as the woman begins to work on my back. I know I have a lot of knots so hopefully she can get rid of them. 

"That's good. You seeing anyone?" I ask making her turn her head towards me.

"Is this my ex asking or my close friend?" she asks me. 

"Friend, I have someone I am currently sleeping with," I chuckle before moaning in pleasure from the magical hands of the mesuse. 

"Oooh, you go back to straight or you playing on my team still?" She asks before moaning herself. 

"I am no longer on your team honey, you were my one and only time with a female. His name is Niall. He is amazing."

"He know you're a shrink?" 

"Yes," I  elongate the word as the knot in my right shoulder is being worked out. 

"And he is still with you? Has he seen you at work? Cause you really like to get personal and analyze the hell out of the person." She was speaking of experiance. When we were together I would analyze every moment we were together. 

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