Ch. 17

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"Hey!" One with a bandana around his head says. 

"Hey mate how are ya?" Niall says getting up to hug all of them.

"Good, can't wait to start the tour, we going out tonight right?" 

All the boys seem to be comfortable, really comfortable, with these boys. One of them has some really wild hair and it looks like it has been dyed multiple times. One has a lip ring and he is so attractive. All of them are to be quite honest. 

"Oh who is this?!" The one with the wild hair says looking at me.

"Uh, this is Elizabeth," Harry starts but I am goint to throw a curve ball and see how they react. 

"You can call me Beth though," I mile and walk over to them. I exyend my hand to shake hands with the boys. 

"I'm Ashton Irwin," The one with the bandana says smirking at me. God he's hot, but Niall is more my type. 

"Pleasure," I say. 

"I'm Calum Hood," the dark haired one says in a friendly manner. 

"I'm Luke Hemmings," the kid with the lip ring says. He's adorable. 

"And finally Michael Clifford," that's the colorful haird boy. 

"Well it's nice to meet you all," I say trying to be friendly. 

"Nice to meet you too, so how did you get on the tour?" Luke asks laughing.

"She's my-" Niall starts but I cut him off, here comes my curveball.

"Friend, really good friend. I was gonna miss him and he invited me to come with. My job was getting overwhelming so he basically rescued me," I say throwing the curve ball. I laughed slightly and the new group of boys joined in with me, and One direction went with it, I think they liked this better than me "pretending to date Niall. Niall did not look pleased, I'll deal with him later. 

"Well that's very good of him. so we have to do a sound check now since we arrived late," Luke says smiling and motioning for the other boys to follow. 

"See ya guys," Liam says as they leave.

"Way to blind side us," Harry says snidely to me. 

"You did not seemed to object to me saying friend, rather than girlfriend. That was a more rational choice," I say sitting back down. 

"How," Louis asks.

"It frees Niall from having to fake emotions and it is more questionable if I were a girlfriend. They would ask how long we have been dating, nd there would be a lot more personal questions that I believe Niall would have to know in order to lie. I would rather he didn't ahve to lie. Plus I would not feel comfortable in a fake relationship." I say before walking out to the seats so I could possibly hear  the new boys sing. 

That's when they start and oh my god, they are awesome! I mean shit! These boys are like pop-punk. They are so good, and it's more like the music I listen to. 

Niall comes towards me and I just happen to get a call from a patient, just in the nick of time. 

"Hello?" I say as I walk away from Niall.

I hate Dr. Killian. It's Nicole. She doesn't like new people, she doesn't have a metal issue or a personality disorder. She just needed someone to talk to and to understand. 

"Why do you hate him?" I ask as I walk around.

He's annoying, and he thinks that I am a flipping sociopath!

"Oh god," I breathe out. She does come across as that. But I got past the 'I don't care about other human beings' layer and she that she does indeed care. 

Why does he think that? Is that what people think of me?!" She is starting to freak out.

"Only because you have the demenour of you don't have feelings. You shut off when you have to be with new people or new surroundings. Nicole I promsise I will talk with Dr. Killian about this sociopath nonsense," I say trying to get her to calm down.

Ok, thank you so much Dr. Beth, she says taking a deep breath.

"Night Nicole," I say knowi it is late over there. The line goes dead and I hang up. I turn around and see that Niall is with the other boys. I am pretty sure we will be talking later. 

I walk back over to them, "hey I have some buisness stuff so I'm going back to the hotel." I know that this would be the best time to go and get a message or icecream or something to relax. 

"Ok, see ya," Liam says very nicely. I think he is warming up to me. WOHOO!!!! 

I walk off and I see Ashton.

"Going somewhere?" he asks walking up to me.

"Back to the hotel, I have some phone calls to make," I say lying through my teeth. 

"For work?" he asks looking shocked.

"Yeah, no rest for the wicked," I laugh as I leave. I then notice that I just called myself wicked. Way to go Beth. 

I walk out of the building and try to hail a cab in this crazy city. I finally get one and head to the hotel. I close my eyes and and just listen to the sounds of the city. I had to come here for a client once, though I was not alone in being his therapist, I was a trainee so they did not trust me to be alone on this one.

I finally make it and I pay the guy. I exxit the vehiicle and head to the consierge.

"Hello miss," the guy behind the desk says.

"Hello there, I was wondering if Icould get a message?" I ask as I smile at the man.

"Yes, the spa is on the floor below the lobby. Would you like me to schedual you one?" he asks being polite.

"I'll just head down there now, I kinda would like one now so.. thank you," I smile at him as he says  that he'll call down and make sure there is room. Which there is. I walk to the elavators and head down. I needed a break from having to try so hard to be this person that wanted others to like her. I do want the boys to like me, but it's exhausting to keep trying and have no pleasent results. 

I needed to just release all the stress!



I updated again look! I am doing better! I know that this isn't the best chapter but I promise it'll get better. I hope you all are having an awesome summer and stuff. 

Love you guys!

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