Ch. 10

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Niall's POV 

So today I spent with the boys, they all were excited for the tour but they weren't extactic about Beth. 

"I can't believe Simon is making us have her on tour with us," Louis says. He is usually the most welcoming, but I guess due to her being a shrink it makes it a bit different. 

"Well she didn't want to go," Liam says sticking up for her, I guess he is again proving to be the rational and mature one. 

"I still don't like the idea of her analyzing everything about me," Louis grumbles. 

"It can't be that bad," I say as I spin in one of Liam's chairs. 

"Niall she'll tear you to peices," Harry laughs.

"What do you mean?" I ask laughing as well.

"I mean like she'll tear us all apart but you and liam will be the most shell shocked. You two are defending a chick who probably has no emotions and is completely a robot just runs on pure analysing 'micro expression.' Psychology isn't even an exact science. It's a soft one. You can't really understand a human brian," Harry says as he drinks his water.

He sounded like what Beth described her brother to be. God I felt bad for when she does a one-on-one with him. "I think she'll just ignor us until she has the session and then other than that she'll stay away. We kind of give off the 'We really don't want you here' vibe," I chuckle but wanting smack myself in the face at the same time. 

"He's right," Zayn says finally speaking up.

"We could atleast give her a chance," Liam says settling back into the couch with his tea. 

The rest of the day was like that and I was heading out when Liam met me at the door.

"You don't like Beth do you?" he asks.

"I have no opinion of her honestly. I need to spend more time with her to know if I do or don't like her. Maybe I'll end up liking her, maybe not. I'm reserving judgement." I say trying not to sound like the others.

"Ok, I'm with you on it so we have to defend her when she can't do it herself. Get home safely Mate," Liam says giving me a bro hug. 

I get into my car and head back to my place and I didn't expect Beth to be there yet so I am planning on getting a shower and picking up my room a bit, changing the sheets? God who am I kidding. I'll just shower and throw my stuff into the hamper and make it atleast looked like I tried. I am not good at cleaning up stuff. I'm actually pretty lazy about that. 

I park my car and that's when I notice a red mini cooper that looked familiar. I dismiss it and head up to my place. I walk up the stairs and I get to my floor and walk over to the steps leading to my flat when I see someone sitting on my front step. "Beth," I breathe out. I hurry over to her and look at her. I saw in her there were tears threatning to spill over. 

"Am I an emotionless robot freak?" she asks weakly. I say on her face the streaks of previous tears that had fallen. There weren't alot but it still broke my heart. She sat there with her legs under her and her hands in her lap. Her head was hung and she wouldn't look at me. 

I put my hads on each side of her face and look her in the eye."No, no you're not," I say before kissing her forehead. I take one hand away and put it into my pocket and find my key. I find it and get the door open for me to carry Beth in. Her breathe was uneven and she hiccuped. She was trying so hard to keep the tears back. 

I kick the door closed and place Beth on the couch before going to lock the door. I didn't know if the guys would stop by and I didn't need them here right now. 

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