Ch. 3

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Beth's POV

"Nice to see you Matt. Don't forget to do the homework before next week, Bye," I wave at my last client of the day. Matt has narcissistic personality disorder. He's been working with me since I first started being a psychologist. He's 29 and really attractive, but that what's making his disorder worse.

Matt was my last client/patient of the day so I can go home. I don't exactly want to go home due to Tess's boyfriend being there. I knew that I'll end up blurting out my diagnosis of HPD.. Tess'll never forgive me if I did that. I know that as I psychologist I shouldn't care as long as I am protecting an individual, I should just tell him my professional opinion. Then again, it's my roommate/ best friend's boyfriend. I can't.

As I walk towards my car I feel my phone go off and I quickly get to my car and see that it's only a text, from a client. One of the most famous client I have at the moment. Niall.

Why the hell would he be texting me? I thought he hated me? I'd hate me, if I were him and he was me. I mean I would think that I was being manipulated and avoid him like the plague.

From: Niall Horan

u busy?

I was shocked by this but you know what, I don't care. It's an excuse to stay away from home.

No, Y?

(To save time I'm just gonna say that N is Niall and B is Beth)

N: I wanna talk

B: Prof or as the girl u met @ Starbucks?

N: Girl @ Starbucks

B: She'll be dressed in a pencil skirt...


B: Where?

N: O'Rielly's? The one near Simon's office?

B: Works for me... U buyin?

N: Of course

And that was our entire conversation before I got in my car and texted Tess that I was going on a date. She obviously said that it was fine. I hadn't gone on a date in over a year, my last ex killed himself and I blame myself for him..... Anyways, avoiding that topic tonight definitely.

I play my music as I get to the pub. I park and undo the bun that I had put up and let my hair flow down and it did some big waves and it was fluffy. I re did my make-up and climb out of the car. I walk into the pub.

It doesn't take long 'til I see Niall at the bar. I walk over to him and sit next to him. He doesn't recognize me so I just order myself a beer.

"Bar keep, can I get the usual?" I ask leaning forward so he could hear me.

"Alright Beth. Why do you call me bar keep?" The bar tender, Kyle asks smirking at me. He has flirted with me since I met him. That was when I first moved to London 5 years ago. He has a girlfriend but we do it for fun and he knows it.

"Because that's the traditional name for a bar tender in the old west, Cowboy" I smirk and wink at him.

"Alright, so what brings you here. You usually drink on the weekend," Kyle hands me my beer and leans on the bar.

"A certain blonde Irish boy asked me to come," I say looking at the back on Niall's head. I know that he's listening, because he then turns around.

"Hey Beth," he smirks weakly.

"Hi Niall," I smirk at him.

"You two know each other?" Kyle asks obviously knowing Niall.

"We met at Starbucks this mornin'," Niall answers. He didn't mention me being his psychologist.

"Yeah, we talked for a good hour," I smile dumbly at him.

"I'll let you two have your fun. Let me know if you need refills," Kyle smile before walking away.

"So, what made you want to see me?" I ask after a few minutes of silently drinking our beer.

"I wanted to know the girl at Starbucks better. The shrink isn't the same girl." he shrugs.

"Yeah they are actually. They are both me. I am the girl you met this morning and the psychologist. You get both or none. If that's a deal breaker then I'll leave now. I had plans that I canceled to be here." I tilt my head.

"Just as long as you don't use you shrink abilities on me, I'm willing to take both halves," he places his hand on top of mine and it's like a shock of electricity going through my veins.

"I promise you. I'll never do that to you."

"I think this could be the start something great," he smirks at me and I smirk back and I take another swig of my beer and before I even have the chance to look back at him after putting my glass down; Niall has his lips pressed against mine. God it's incredible, his lips are so soft.

I get my arms around his neck and he puts his arms around my waist. The kiss becomes more heated and it's amazing and wonderful. I haven't had a kiss like this in all my life. I back away from him to try and catch my breath.

"What made you do that?" I breathe out.

"I wanted to kiss you. You wanna go back to my place," he whispers seductively in my ear.

"It's gonna take more than one date to take me home Horan," I chuckle back into his ear before kissing his cheek. 

We then proceed to ask each other questions for the next hour and a half.

"Well I do believe that I need to head home to get ready for work tomorrow," I smile as I finish my  second beer, kiss Niall on the cheek again and proceed to walk out the door. 

He laughs and I just smile. It's an amazing feeling that I have rushing through my veins. I smile to myself as I walk out to my car. I reach my car right as someone grabs my waist. I get turned around and it's Niall.

"Niall, I told you-" I start but his lips crash onto mine. I get thawed out and I kiss him back with a ferocity and it's honestly beautiful. I wrap my arms around his neck and my hands run through his hair. God all I want to do is run my hands all over his fucking body!!!

I just want to kiss him repeatedly. On every fucking inch of his body. I have never felt this rush before and I never want it to go away. But then it hits me. What happens when we have sessions. And with the other boys. I'll never be able to keep my head straight. God hat am I thinking. I can't be romantically involved with a patient. That happened once and I don't want to repeat that experience. 

"Niall," I breathe out as we break apart.

"Yeah Beth?" his eye peirce into my soul and I know that I am never going to find eyes that do that to me. 

"We can't tell the others about this. You can't tell anyone. This isn't ethical and I could loose my license," I say looking him in the eye. 

"I understand. I can go with that as long as you be mine and only mine," he growls into my ear. I wanted to just melt right there. I was turned on and there was no saving me. 

"Who else could I want?" I say looking into his eyes and I read them as if they were a book. I saw lust and desire. I knew these signs and I knew that if I gave into easily it would ruin the chase. I wouldn't want him to think that it was over. I wasn't going to give in. 

I kissed his lips one last time and got into my car. I turned on the ignition and drive away leaving Niall in the parking lot. 

I walk into the flat and I can't stop smiling. I hurry into the bathroom and shower. I was my hair and my body then shave. I get out and towel dry my hair. I walk out and put on my pajamas. I lay in my bed and I can only think about Niall. I've never been so infatuated with someone like this before. It's so weird, yet I love th feeling. All the chemicals firing in my head and I can't seem to get the taste of his lips out of my head. His soft lips, his toned body, his beautiful eyes. 

God I gotta get some sleep. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. I smirk and fall asleep to the sound of my phone playing some One Direction music. 



So so so sorry I haven't updated in a long ass time. School is hectic and I just wanted to get this up so you guys know that I love you all and I know that you will want this. I hope you guys like it. 

I love you all!!!

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