Ch. 14

112 9 1

Beth's POV 

I begin to wake up and I relieze that I am not in Niall's bed like I had been in in my dream. I am on the fucking plane. I hate long journey's, cause they mess with my sleeping habits, which are already bad to begin with. 

I sit up and I look around to see none of the boys. Not that I would expect them to be back here, but I was sort of hoping Niall would be. But we have to keep us a secret. I feel slightly bad for doing this to him, but it's our only option to be honest. 

I decide to get up since I don't see anything to suggest that I have to remain seated. I walk around just to see what is here and I don't find much and therefore I go into my carry-on bag for my laptop. I know there is no wifi, so I decide to just start with my observations about the boys. 

I move back to my seat and I now realize I have a clear view to them. They're talking and laughing. They look as if they have known each other for all their lives. It's a sweet dynamic they have,  and it reveals just how difficult it is going to be to evaluate them in a group. They'll most likely put up a wall to protect one another to what could be assumed to be a threat to their dynamic. I know that this is probably not the greatest idea to break them up now, but I don't know when I'll get a better chance. I remeber the order I decided and the first person to talk to me is Niall, so this should be interessting. 

I get up from my chair and head into the cabin with the boys. 

"Hello boys," I smirk at them and all the laughing comes to a stop. I guess that I am the ultimate buzz kill. 

"Hey shrink," Louis says lacing the words with venom and sarcasm. 

"Nice to see you too Louis, so I am starting the sessions right now. Niall is first so let's so this," I smirk  at him. 

"Let's get this done," he says walking over to me.

As he passes me I whisper in his ear, "you make it sound like such a chore to talk to me."

"Gotta put on the act," he mumbles back to me. 

I roll my eyes and walk over to where I had previously had been laying. I pull my laptop onto my lap and open up the voice writting app. It records voices and writes them down. I then decide that he will freak out so I close my laptop and exchange it for a notepad. I grab a pen, quickly from my bag and get ready to take notes while I talk to Niall. 

"So let's get started. What makes you the happiest while on tour?" I as just trying to get a baseline on the guy I am currently sleeping with. This is so wrong on so many different levels. 

"Either goofing off with the guys, or being on stage." Niall smirks at me and physically relaxes into his chair across the small table from me. 

"Why does being on stage make you happy?" 

"It's a rush to know that so many people came to see you do what you love. It's this indescribable feeling of happiness and excitement that you can get high off of," There is this smile on his face that tells me just how happy performing makes him and it's something of wonder. I think it is incredible. 

"I can tell. You have never been in a long relationship with anyone in the public eye-." He interrupts me before I can get another word out.

"That's because I haven't been with someone who I want to put in to this circus we call our lives. Plus no one has made me feel like I wanted to stay for a long period of time." I witnessed a fuse go off in his head, I hit a nerve. Guess I should leave that for a later session. I make a note of it and he just stares at me. 

"Sorry, but I was going to say is it because you wouldn't want to leave someone behind when you go off on tour, which is often. That would surely put a strain on any relationship. It is actually better that unless you have a deep care for someone that when you leave you can make the distance. Your response about the not wanting to stay for a long period of time reveals that due to this there is no way you could have, at this point a long distance relationship. I belive that at some point you could, but not at this point in time." I am all logical and the logical side is analyzing eveyrthing about his body language as I spew all this shit at him.  

He tenses up as you say that he is not ready for a long distance relationship. He thinks contrary to us and thinks he is. He's biting his lip, he's nervous or annoyed. 

I don't know what to say to him after that whole off loading of shit. I cannot believe I did that. The emotional side is shell shocked. The hell. Was. That.  She is just staring at me with wide eyes and slacked jaw in disbelief that I did this to him after the past two days we've been through. I can almost feel her digust for me. I just keep staring at him for a good 10 minutes without either of us talking. 

"S-so, what do you miss most about being away from home?" I ask trying to get the session back on track. 

He gives me this stone look and I feel the logical side trying to knock out the emotional side cause she is about to break down right now. I can't get anything out of him. He just breathes and stares at me. God what have I done. Yeah, what have you done. You sure screwed up the first possibly fuctional relationship you've had in years. Great job Beth.  The Emotional side is screaming at me angry and I don't blame her. 

"My family and being in my own apartment. As much as I love the other boys, I just need a break to be off on my own... to have some privacy." I hear the infliction in his voice on privacy as if he didn't just mean from the boys, he means for me as well. 

"Everyone needs some time to be by themselves. So what makes the tour worth it?" I ask as I write down some random noticings.

"I get to see the fans and they are some of the most supportive fans ever. It's almost like a way to give back to those who have supported us throughout the whole experiance. I love our fans and they might be a bit crazy, but they're our fans and I wouldn't change them.... ok maybe a few  and that's only cause they can get too crazy sometimes," he lightens up and chuckles. I can feel my own body relax as his does. 

"Yeah, there is a saying that Fangirl syndrom is highly contagiuos and incureable," I joke trying to continue with the light mood. 

"Really now," he says in a lower voice. I could hear the lust in his voice. I could see the darkening of his eyes and his pupils started to slightly dialate meaning that he was highly turned on and just wanted me. 

Suddenly I feel my own senses heighten and his bodily reaction was leading to my own coiming to a head. I bite my lip knowing that this would draw attention and drive him mad. It has worked so many times before. My Emotional side has magically turned herself into this goddess and I it's quite funny. 

He lowers his voice so only I could hear him, "meet me in the bathroom in the back." His eyes are clouded with lust and I can feel the same rushing through my veins. 

I give him a slight nod, and move out of my chair. I sway my hips a bit as I head back to the bathroom. I get to the door and open it but leave the door unlocked. I jump onto the counter and place my hands in my lap. 

He comes in and closes the door... then simply leans against it. 

Hey guys!!!

so sorry it has been forever but school and theater stuff has been going on but I promise to update sonner that I did before. I hope you like the chpater and I hopt you comment? Anyways thank you for reading. :)

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