Sexist Prick.

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Evie groaned at the sound of her doorbell which was telling her that George was there to walk to hell- sorry, school -with her. Not that she didn't like the blonde boy, it's just that she wasn't leaving the house until she looked slightly acceptable, so they were probably going to be late, seeing as she had only managed to apply mascara to one set of eyelashes. She didn't bother going to get the door, knowing that George would let himself in with the key he had if he got bored of waiting. After about a minute the sound of the door unlocking told her that he had, indeed, gotten bored and decided to come into the house. That wasn't the only reason why he had a spare key - Evie frequently left hers at home and one of the boys would have to come round to let her in, seeing as her parents didn't trust the neighbours with spare keys. "Hey, Evie" George called as he walked into her room, letting himself flop onto her bed. She didn't even bother to greet her blonde-haired friend, too busy focusing on her mascara. The boy asked "You okay there, Evie?" Before chuckling slightly as she cursed and wiped some mascara from her eyelid.

"Yup, I'm literally nearly ready" The rushed girl declared, although he knew that she was far from deeming herself acceptable enough to leave the house.

"Did you pack your bag?" George questioned, already knowing the answer as he could see the bag, with all of her school things flowing out of it, on the floor by her bed.

"Oh shit," Evie grumbled, holding her eyelash curlers to her eye as she turned around and glared at the bag on the floor, as if it would get up and start packing itself.

"You finish that, I'll pack it," The boy instructed, before picking up her bag and packing it for her. He did it quite a lot and knew which pocket everything went in and that the books had to be stood up on the side opposite the side with the zip. It made him chuckle because he did it so automatically now, he knew where everything should be and how the girl liked everything. He guessed it just showed the extent of their friendship. Or how lazy Evie was. Either one.

"Thank you, Georgie," The blonde girl said, placing her curlers down before walking to the 17-year-old and taking her bag from his hand, nearly falling over at the weight of the books inside it when she placed it on her shoulder.

"Don't call me that, it makes me sound so unmanly" George whined in protest, but secretly he didn't mind the name when Evie said it - it was when the other boys started calling him Georgie that it made him feel like an idiot.

"Sorry Georgie" The younger one replied, sticking her tongue out at the blonde boy and winking. She instantly started walking out of her room before he had time to protest. "You know it's our six year friendship anniversary in a couple of days?" She questioned, changing the topic before he had a chance to whinge at the nickname again. "Are we doing anything special for it this year or are we all too poor?" She chuckled when she asked the second question, remembering how last year they'd planned to go out to eat at a fancy restaurant but all ended up in McDonald's instead when deciding that they didn't have the money to pay for overpriced food. It was kind of ironic that Evie was too poor to pay, as her parents were both very rich business people - she would have gotten them to pay for the food, however they were away in Hong Kong on business.

"I feel like we should do something fancy this year, seeing as we didn't for the five-year milestone" George answered, shutting the girl's house door once he'd stepped out of it and made his way down the driveway after her.

"I feel like instead of fancy, maybe we should all go out to Frankie and Benny's then come back to mine and get smashed; it is on a Friday so we won't have to suffer through a school day with a hangover" Evie suggested to the boy, who considered the idea and nodded. Frankie and Benny's was the girl's favourite restaurant, however the boys preferred Nando's. They never went there when Evie was with them, though, because they knew she wasn't really a fan.

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