Jin/Seokjin x Reader One Shot!

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+-+-+-+-+ (Y/N)'s Pov +-+-+-+-+

     Seokjin and I have been friends for a very long time. Too long to even count. We've known each other since we were in grade school. I'm actually kinda glad I have met someone like him even though he hurts me without realizing it.

     I've liked Seokjin for a very long time. I've never told him I've liked him. Why? Because every time I wanted to tell him, he got a new girlfriend who would bully me but I never told him. I wanted him to be happy.

     Today, Seokjin said he wanted to take me somewhere. He wouldn't tell me where which startled me. Questions roamed my head like 'where is he taking me?' and 'what about his girlfriend?'

     I met up with Seokjin. I wasn't wearing my normal everyday clothing, I was wearing black leather shorts and a white tank top with red converse and a red flannel shirt. I normally wear jeans with a long sleeve or short sleeve shirt but I decided to change it up a bit.

     "(Y/N), you look different." Seokjin pointed out. I nodded in reply. "Sometimes ya just gotta change."

     "I agree with you." Seokjin agreed. "Why did you change it anyways?"

     "I couldn't find anything to wear until I came across the leather side of my closet." I lied.

     "Ohh okay. Makes sense. By the way, it looks good on you." Seokjin stated.

     "Thanks." I blushed. There was no doubt that he probably knows I like him now but I really didn't want him to notice. 

     "So, (Y/N)?" Seokjin called out. "How's your day going?"

     "It's good I guess. Just a little exhausted." I replied.

     "Oh well it's good to know your good." Seokjin pointed out

     "Yeah." I said. "How about you?"

     "I'm happy because I get to spend time with my best friend!" Seokjin cheered and put his arm around my shoulder.

     "Yah what if your girlfriend sees us?" I asked while pushing his arm off of me.

     "She won't because she's not my girlfriend." Seokjin said. I 'o'ed and left that conversation. It makes me wonder what happened though.

     We finally reached a amusement park filled with a lot of people. It looked as if it was over crowded but who cares. I'm here to have fun with my best friend! 

     We went on many rides and it hasn't even reached dawn yet. Seokjin said he wasn't letting me leave until dawn.

     "When are we leaving and when can I have my phone back? I have to check the time." I whinned.

     "You leave when dawn approaches and no you cannot have your phone back." Seokjin demanded.

     "Woah, sooo demanding. I've never seen you like this." I sarcastically stated.

     "Like you said earlier, sometimes ya gotta change." Seokjin pointed out.

     "Just because I'm changing doesn't mean you have to." I said.

     "What if I want to change?" Seokjin questioned.

     "You don't need to change, I like you the way you are." I stated. I looked over to Seokjin to only see him with a smirk. I think I know what I just did....

+-+-+-+-+ Seokjin's Pov +-+-+-+-+

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