Namjoon x Reader || Maid

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+-+-+-+-+ Namjoon's POV +-+-+-+-+

     "(Y/N), can you order some food for me please?" I call out to my maid. "Enough for two people?"

     Not too long ago, I hired a maid. I had one before but she was only interested in having my "children" as she called it. I overheard that conversation while she was using my house phone to call a friend. I'm pretty sure she thought I was asleep but I picked up the phone just to listen to the conversation. That's why I fired her and got a new one. 

     I wasn't one for having maids but it was the only way to keep company and keep the house tidy while I was gone. My new maid, she is better than the old one I had. When I came home, she always prepared great food. Enough to make me crave for more. The house became cleaner than how it used to be. It was as perfect as if a perfectionist cleaned up for a housing preview. Everything started looking brand new to me.

     One thing I really loved about my new maid is that, she never complained about any task I gave her. I could ask her to soak my feet after a long day and she would. Never once did she complain about if my feet were smelly or if they were crusty. She took good care of them and was gentle too. That's another good quality about her; She was gentle.

     "What would you like, Mr. Kim?" I heard her gentle voice, which brought upon a smile on my face. Soon that smile turned into side grin, trying to find out what to order. Then I remembered something I really haven't had in awhile; Japchae.

     When the doorbell rang from the delivery man, I went out to go grab the order and pay for it but my maid already did. I was a little mad because she shouldn't spend her money just for me. It wasn't all just for me though. I added an extra order for her so we could eat together and get to know each other more..

     "I got your two orders of Japchae." My maid said as she did one of those "Ta-da" poses with the delivery bag. I found it cute and chuckled at that remarkable moment.

     "I'm not eating both orders." I said while leaning against the wall, arms crossed. 

     "Oh, okay." She nodded. "Would you like me to put the other container in the fridge?"

     "Nah, come eat it with me." I smiled. Soon her face turned a little red with a confused look. I get the confused part since I've never eaten anything with her but maybe she feels as if I probably started flirting with her.

     We sat down at the glass table. Every time I talked, she wouldn't look me directly in the eye. I feel as if she's uncomfortable in the situation she has fell into but something good always comes out of these. Maybe a friendship or a better understanding of ones point of view. Maybe just to get to know each other and have one another's back. It's always good to have someone to lean back on, sometimes.

     "I don't know what you think of me but really, I'm only here just to have a job to afford a house for me and my parents." I hear my maid speak in a lower tone. "I don't want any type of bad business or any type of employer/employee relationship status."

      "Not even a friendship? A friendship outside of this job?" I asked.

     "Outside of it is basically being friends with my boss." I hear her say.

     "I'm not trying to be forceful," I state. "I'm just trying to be a friend to you."

     "I thank you for trying but I don't want to put a friendship in the way of my job." My maid says. 

     The room went silent and all you could hear was the slurping of noodles. I felt a little sad though. She does all these things but refuses to get anything further like a friendship or an understanding of one another. It's like she is in her own little world doing her own thing for her and her family. Maybe she cleans and cooks like this for me because she might need extra money one week. I wouldn't know if that was a case. Maybe as a friend, I'd be able to understand what shes going through so I could help. I mean she helps me a lot. I start to feel bad about not doing anything for her.

     Once she finished her bowl, she got up and washed her plate. She then disappeared somewhere within the house. I wasn't able to tell where she was since I was still eating but I was trying to understand what she felt within that moment. 

     I went around to look for her after I was done. I heard her whispering to herself nearby but I couldn't quite put a finger on where she was. All I heard her say was "I shouldn't have said that. I might get fired and I really need this job." Everything else was faint. All I could think about was, maybe she's in debt. When she applied before, her resume was empty. Maybe no one was highering people at the time or maybe the job I gave her pays more than what others pay. I mean, she said she's supporting herself and her family. It's a bit hard for someone to do that.

     "(Y/N)? You around?" I call out.

     I see the door to the closet full of town open while she's siting down. I chuckle, wondering why she's even hiding in there to begin with. But I help her up in the long run.

     "If you're worried about being fired, I'm not firing you. At least you're not after my children.." I say as I rubbed the back of my neck.

     "What the..." She said with a confused look.

     "My last maid, she wanted my kids cause I'm stunningly hot" I explain as I fan my face with my right hand.

      "I mean, I can't say anything, but kids? That's going too far." My maid said while shaking her head.

     "So can we be friends now?" I ask with a huge smile on my face.

     "Only if you don't fire me." She chuckled. She then put her pinky out, asking for I pinky promise. I give in and give her my pinky.

     "Promise!" I smiled.


This sound cheesy af xD


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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