Not an Update :( but an A/N!

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Anywho I'm here to tell you guys something!

I'm not sure if you have read my intro to this but if you haven't that's fine but I'm taking requests!

So if you want me to do a BTS one shot for you, then come and ask me! 

All I need is:

-Who do you want to be in it? Bias wise (could be one or more involved with it!)

-Setting (Where it takes place)

-What do you want to happen? (getting married, asking out on a date, concert, you get the jist) 

-If you wanted to add a friend, add a friend(s) and their names (As many friends as you want....not the entire world though haha) (and if they have wattpad, if you want me to tag them as well, I will!)

-If you want two or more members in the story that causes a love triangle? square? i don't know haha, but if you would like to just pick one to love or have different endings? I don't know I did it before with I think two of my one shots lol

-If you would like to stick with the same old (Y/N) and I would just add you in the dedications or actually have your name put in it and still but you in the dedications

     -And a description for this one above ^~^

-If you want to be an idol, just give a name of the group that you would call your group, peoples names who will be in it and yeah

-If you want me to surprise you, I can do that.

If you have any other ideas not mentioned in here, feel free to let me know :) cause I'd be glad to make one shots for you guys! And since it's getting close to summer break, I can work on them as much as I want! So yeah, any requests, feel free to either leave them in the comments below or PM me.

Anyways, I hope you guys have a great day today! Kamsahamnida for the 2.3K reads! And I hope you enjoy!

Peace out!


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