Yoongi x Reader x Jungkook (Choose) || Mr Steal Yo Girl

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I am a slow ass person when it comes to being on schedule. My dumbass bouta get back on top of my writing days my dude. LEZ GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! PROCRASTINATION LEVEL HAS CEASED!!!!!!!

But anyways

     Thank you theonemistake For suggesting! You also said Suga or Jungkook

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     Thank you theonemistake For suggesting! You also said Suga or Jungkook.....finding out part of my password but no one will ever find it!!! hehe but I hope you enjoy! *changes password*

*Five seconds later, starts a fortnite match*

*30 minutes later, comes back*

     So I learned, instead of using 3rd POV I should use 2nd POV. Thank you AP Language teacher. Love ya!

PS!!! theonemistake, if that's towards you, YOU ARE NOT, I REPEAT, YOU ARE NOT A MISTAKE!!!!! 


+-+-+-+-+ 2nd POV +-+-+-+-+

     You grew up with a few friends. One of them being, who is now, a kpop idol, Jungkook. As you grew up, you met Yoongi, who also, became a kpop idol. They ended up being in the same kpop group but they never knew each other till then. Little did they know, they both were in love with the same person but one was lucky enough to take you.

(Time for the split up sections)

_-_ MIN YOONGI _-_

     You and Jungkook have been dating for awhile but you just weren't feeling the love. Yeah, it was great and all but you just weren't feeling it. You guys liked being friends  but everything started getting awkward, making you miss the cute bunny teethed boy who was always so cheerful. The one who made you smile a lot.

     Jungkook, besides the fact he's always so busy, he's also been trying to find ways that can make you happy. He's been trying so hard that sometimes he just gives up. He'd go to his members and ask for tips. Especially Yoongi but Yoongi tends to not help him. Then again, in Jungkook's mind, Yoongi isn't one for romantics.

     Yoongi would sneak out after awhile when Jungkook trained to come see you. You thought of it as a friendly encounter and not something that is really so romantic. You guys would hang around, get ice cream, cook food together, and do stupid things that would have you cracking up on the floor. That was something you looked for in a guy, someone who could make you go up in the sky.

     The fact with Yoongi was that he really didn't act so affectionate, he was just being himself. Didn't go too far or go to little. He was just in the middle, hoping one day you and him could possibly have a thing or two. Yoongi was afraid something would happen between you guys or that Jungkook's heart would be broken and that's something Yoongi feared; Hurting Jungkook.

     One day, something had happened that made Jungkook so ticked off. He came to your house to surprise you and you weren't there. He called you, left voicemails, texted you, all sorts of things. He even called his members and asked them if they knew where you were. Some snickered. Some said they didn't know. They all knew and it ticked Jungkook off.

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