Chapter Two

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Alex's POV

The boys and I sat in the living quarters of the bus. Everyone had an alcoholic drink in their hand, well everyone besides me. I sat quietly, just thinking about how both me and Andy's ex's showed up to the same show. I tried telling Andy that he was here, but then the fans showed up. Why was he here? Why was she here? My mind was racing. 

"Come on Alex, one drink." Ashley begged, I shook my head in refusel. "Pregnant people are no fun!" Ashley flailed his arms around, spilling his drink on the floor. "Not again!" Jake and Jinxx said at the same time, CC palmed his forehead. "Oopsies." Ash shrugged. He's so cute when he's drunk, well sometimes. 

"Where's Andy?" Jinxx asked, refilling his red solo cup with whiskey. "Still talking to Juliet." I sighed, clearly annoyed. "I'll go check on him." I rolled my eyes and wandered off the bus in the blackness of the night.


"I don't want to be just friends either." I heard a familar soft voice. "Andy?" His back was to me. He didn't reply because he was too busy sucking faces with Juliet. "Oh, we didn't see you there." Juliet pulled away and took a step in my direction, Andy turned around to face me. "Alex listen-" "No Andy, she's not worth our time." Juliet pressed her index finger against Andy's lips, Andy quickly pushed her hand away in annoyance.

"Alex, I can explain." Andy moved closer. "What is there to explain to her Andy? That you miss me and you want me back?" Juliet purred, twirling her hair. "No, that you just forced yourself on me!" Andy shouted at her. "That's not what I saw." I spoke quietly, tears threatening my eyes. "I'll leave you two alone." I whipped around and strutted off to the bus, leaving Andy in the dust.

I continued to walk and noticed that the bus was in my sight when a set of head lights flashed behind me. A voice called from inside the vehicle that slowly pulled up. "Get in!" Before I could run, the passenger pulled my arm, yanking me into the strange car. When I saw his face, I realized it was no stranger. "Did you miss me?" His words were like poisen.

Andy's POV

I just watched her walk away with my heart on a leash, and she was dragging it all over the ground. Then again, she probably felt the same way. "Awe Andy, don't cry." Juliet mocked me by making a pouty face. "Enough! I don't want you back, and I never will! I'm sick and tired of you trying to make up for the things you did just by making everything worse!" I screamed at her, clenching my fists. Her eyes widened in fear. A pinge of guilt settled in my stomach.

I jogged back to the bus. "Andy what the hell happened?" CC asked as I slammed the door shut behind me. "Juliet, that's what." I didn't make eye contact, I just stomped to the back of the bus, ignoring everything the guys were shouting at me. I swung the back bedroom door open, but no one was there. "Where's Alex?" I demanded an answer. "We thought she was with you..." Jake said nervously. "You mean she didn't come back here?" I began to panic and run my fingers through my hair. 

"Andy what happened?" CC took a swig from his beer bottle. "Alex saw Juliet and I kissing." CC stood up and walked in my direction. "You fucking asshole! How could you do that to her? She loves you!" CC spat in my face, the rest of the guys just watched, amused. "I didn't kiss her! She kissed me! She forced herself on me!" I put my hands up in surrender. 

"She... she kissed you?" Ashley said quietly, his head hung in sadness. "You and Juliet still have a thing?" I asked him, surprise hidden in my voice. "Well, no. I don't know." He shook his head and stood up. "But that's not important, what's important is finding Alex." He threw out his cup. "We need to search this place up and down. We need to turn it inside out. I need to find her and explain to her what really happened."

A/N: So i'm a bit annoyed because there has been SO many people asking me to post the sequel, and when I finally do, I barely get any reads XD

 READ: okay anyway, what do you think is gonna happen to Alex? Who do you guys think took her? I wanna see what you guys think! If someone gets it right I'll send them chapter 3 before anyone else sees it!

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