Chapter Seventeen

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Madi and I sat down with our ice cream and began to talk. As usual, I ordered a chocolate and vanilla swirl. Madi got strawberry with rainbow sprinkles. "So Madi, how old are you exactly?" I sat across from her underneath a table shaded by a red and white umbrella. "17, my birthday was like a week ago." She scooped up another bite. "Oh, happy belated birthday! Wait, what are you doing here alone if you're only 17?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh, I work at a piercing and tattoo shop that my brother owns. It's on the east end of the boardwalk." I took a bite of my ice cream. "That's awesome! What do you do?" I was really surprised that this young girl who only had her ears pierced worked at an ink shop. "I draw sketch tattoos for people." An idea came to my mind. "You should draw out my next tattoo!" I could tell she was taken back by my sudden burst of excitement.

"Are you serious? That would be so cool! What are you looking to have done?" My mind began to wander. Madi was so different compared to other fans I had met. She talks to me like I'm an actual person, not a famous rock star. The best part is, she's opening up to me and she's letting me get to know her. My thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of my cell phone. 

"Hold on a sec-" I pulled my phone out of my pocket, it was Alex. "Babe, where are you? Are you okay? Octavia woke up and she won't stop crying." I palmed my forehead out of stupidity. "Shit, I'm sorry. I'm fine, I just ran into a fan. I'm coming back with ice cream now." I hung up quickly.

"Andy, I'm so sorry. I should've let you go." Madi stood up from the table, approaching me. "It's not your fault. I'm the one who invited you and lost track of time. I guess time flies when you're having fun." She blushed and began to throw out her garbage. "I know, but now Alex is mad at you." I shook my head in laughter. "She's not mad at all, Octavia is just being fussy." I put the lid on my ice cream. "I still feel bad." She tucked a couple strands of purple hair behind her ears.

"Don't. Listen, I gotta go. It was really nice meeting you, thanks for keeping me company. I'll see you later." I picked up the bag of ice cream. "You'll see me later?" She knitted her eyebrows in confusion. "You still need to draw out my tattoo. I mean, only if you want. You don't have to." I shrugged. 

"Oh, you were serious? Yeah, of course, I'd love to draw it out for you. Stop by whenever. I'm closing tonight so I'll be there pretty late." Madi shrugged. "Okay, cool! I'll probably stop by after I bring Alex and Tav home." She nodded. 

"Okay. Thanks so much for the ice cream and just... everything." She smiled, possibly even bigger than when I first saw her. "No problem, thanks for talking." I waved as she walked away. I needed to get to know her. I don't know what it was, but something was telling that she would be important to me in the future. I needed to know why, and soon because the thought of it was eating me alive.

I know Madi is underage and Alex is my fiance, but I'm sort of attracted to her. I was regrettably hoping that Alex would want to go home soon so I could see her again. God, what is wrong with me? I love Alexandria with every bit of my well-being, we have a child together, we're engaged. The best part is that she loves me back and she makes me so fucking happy. But Madi is just so genuine and real,  what am I gonna do?

A/N: Sorry that I haven't updated in a while I have been really busy! Let me know what you think

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