Chapter Ten

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Alexandria's POV

"Then tell me when you do." A small black box bounced at my feet. Andy stormed out of the hospital room, his hands gripping the back of his neck. I couldn't just sit and stare at the box, so I picked it up. I gasped when the top popped open. A silver plated-princess cut ring embellished with black diamonds sparkled under the bright lights. I squeezed my eyes to stop the tears.

"He's twenty-five. I'm only nineteen. I just had a baby, I'm not ready to get married. I've been growing up too fast as it is. I love Andy with all my heart, but he's asking for too much." I whispered to myself as a couple of loose tears slid down my cheeks. I closed the box and set it on the rocking chair Andy had been sitting in.

Octavia began to cry. I reluctantly got out of bed and walked over to where Dr. Jenson set her down. "Shhh, it's alright. Daddy will be back soon." I bounced her around in my arms gently. "Hopefully." I whispered and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Andy's POV

I sat in my car, silence consuming me. I shouldn't have pressured her. I thought to myself. I threw my head back on the seat, my eyes looking at the object in the rear view mirror, a car seat. I can't  just get up and walk out of my daughter's life because I didn't get what I wanted. I sighed and stepped out of my car, re-entering the hospital. 

As the sliding doors opened, I decided to call the boys and tell them about the great news. When I called, CC had answered. He told me that he and the guys would be at the hospital in half an hour. Until then, I would sit in the lobby and think of different ways to apologize to Alex.


I was sitting in the living room impatiently with the rest of the guys. We all sat in awkward silence, giant pink bags and balloons surrounded us. I was nervous but excited at the same time. I really hope Alex likes the baby's room. I jumped up off of the couch when the house phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered quickly. "Hey, the baby is here! You guys can head over and visit if you want." I barely let Andy finish his sentence. "We'll head over now." I smiled and turned to the guys, who already had their gifts and were half way out the door.


Within 30 minutes, we arrived at the hospital. As we entered, we were given strange looks, which I understand since all four of us were dressed head to toe in black and carrying pink balloons and bags that had cheesy things like It's A Girl written on them. 

After a couple minutes of wandering, we found Andy sitting in a waiting room. "Hey! Congrats bro!" I pulled Andy into a hug. He smiled and hugged the rest of the guys. "You guys can go in, her room is over there." Andy pointed to a door across the hall. "One at a time though." He gave my back a little shove, telling me to go in first.

"CC!" Alex smiled brightly when she saw me. The first thing I did was hug her. It was then I noticed that she was holding a beautiful baby girl, she was sleeping soundly. "Here." Alex went to hand her to me. "Oh, hold on." I dropped my gifts and quickly washed my hands.

"Okay, I'm ready." I smiled and embraced the newborn in my arms. "What's her name?" I couldn't take my eyes off of the light brown haired, blue eyed baby. "Octavia." Alex smiled and snapped a picture. "She's beautiful." I began to tear up. I was so proud of Alex. "Thank you." She smiled. 

"I have an important question for you." Alex gave me an anxious look. "I want you to be the God Father." Her words shocked me to the point where all I felt was pure joy. "Yes, Yes! Of course! Thank you." I couldn't help but smile even bigger at my beautiful God Daughter.

A/N: Quick little update because I was bored. Let me know what you think!

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