Chapter Fifteen

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We finished eating within 20 minutes, including Octavia. Andy gave me instructions to get Tav ready to leave while he got whatever he needed for the surprise. Butterflies fluttered around in my stomach, I was excited, but nervous at the same time.

I finished putting sunblock and a sun hat on my brown haired beauty, then walked out to the car with her in her car seat. She occupied herself by chewing on her pacifier. I buckled her in and took a seat on the passenger side.

Andy walked out the front door with a big bag slung over his shoulder. I couldn't help but laugh at how he was dressed. He wore black cut off overalls with a white t-shirt underneath and a pair of black combat boots. His fancy outfit was topped off with a pair of sunglasses.

He climbed into the drivers seat, his long legs interfering with the steering wheel. "What are you wearing?" My laughter continued. "You'll understand the method to my madness when we get there." I just shook my head and turned on the radio.

Andy's POV

My gut was twisting and turning, I was so nervous. Even though I wasn't a believer, I prayed to God that this would work out. I went over a mental checklist in my head: Blankets, towels, sweatshirts, snacks, baby formula, diapers, baby chair, the tent...

My checklist was erased when Alex shouted. "Andy, it's a red light!" I slammed on the breaks, the car jolted to a stop. Octavia began to cry. "Shit, I'm sorry!" Alex glared at me and crawled to the back seat, calming Tav down.

"What's wrong with you? you've been acting weird the whole ride, you haven't even said a word to me." Alex's voice was full of worry. "I'm sorry, I'm just nervous. I had this planned out for a while now, but I'm afraid you won't like it." I sighed and continued to drive when the light turned green.

"Stop worrying so much, you know I love every single one of your many surprises, this one won't be any different." She smiled and crawled back over the center console to the passenger seat. "I don't know because we have Tav and-" I was cut off by a strong kiss. My eyes were wide opened, trying to focus on the road.

"Alexandria, I'm driving!" I laughed as her lips parted from mine. "Yeah, but now you're not nervous." She winked and buckled her seat belt. Within 15 more minutes of driving, we had reached our destination: Santa Monica Pier.

The expression on Alex's face was priceless, I couldn't help but secretly snap a picture. "Andrew Dennis-" I cut her off by giving her a peck on the cheek. I parked the car, grabbing the bag of stuff I had packed for our family beach day.

Alex got Octavia, she was still in shock. "Why were you so nervous?" She asked as we walked towards the pier. "Because I know Tav is still young, so I didn't know how comfortable you would feel bringing her to the beach and boardwalk." I shrugged. "Well I wish I would have known, I would have dressed both of us for the occasion."

We slowly walked up the ramp leading to the pier. "I packed you both clothes to change into, oh here, I brought the stroller." Alex set Octavia down in relief as I pulled out the fold up stroller, the one where the car seat snaps in.

We continued up the ramp, Tav was crying due to the heat. I grew worried that my plan was going to fail.

A/N: Spoiler: A new character will be introduced next chapter! Let me know what you think!

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