Chapter Twenty One

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"Let go! Let me go!" I kicked and screamed as loud as I could. "I'm not letting you go, not again." He whispered venomously into my ear. He pulled me into the tattoo shop that he had emerged from. I gasped at the puddle of blood that was being cleaned up by a familiar bruised face.

"Madi..." She looked at me, pain in her eyes. "Don't worry about her." Damon pulled me into the back. "I'm tired of your shit Alex. You're always running away from me, but you won't be able to run when you're tied up." He pushed me into a room, locking the door.

I looked around and began to panic. Ropes, knives, bleach, gags and more were set up along a table. I was so distracted that I didn't notice Damon coming towards me, he picked me up and threw me on to a piercing chair. I started to scream as loud as I could. "No one can hear you, there's no point in screaming." Damon grunted, but I continued to scream anyway.

"You leave me no choice." He stuffed a white cloth in my mouth. "I'm sorry for doing this to you Alex, I really am. But If I can't have you, no one can." He began to tie my arms and legs to the chair with rope. Tears were pricking the corners of my eyes. Damon picked up a small needle with clear liquid in it.

"This is so you hold still." He held it up to my neck. "You shouldn't feel a thing." I began to thrash around on the table, my screams were muffled. Damon slowly pressed the needle into my neck, the fluid oozing in. I immediately began to feel dizzy and numb.

 "That's a good girl... close your eyes." Damon whispered. The room started spinning and the last thing I saw was Damon holding a knife. 

Andy's POV

I got a call from CC telling me that Alex had gone to see Damon. I sped down coastal highway, by now my stab wound had stopped bleeding and I had a bandage covering it. The sun was setting and I was running out of time. Damon was going to kill Alex regardless if she showed up or not, Alex just made it easier for him. 

I got to the pier within minutes, I quickly slipped on my leather jacket and pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. I dialed Ashley's number. "Everyone ready?" I had decided that it would be best to call in back up considering how dangerous Damon was.

"Ready when you are." Ashley replied. "Move in." I shoved my phone back into my pocket, whipping out a handgun. Besides Ash, I had law enforcement on my side as well. I knew Damon wasn't going to kill me because he wanted me to suffer in the worst way possible, so I wasn't phased by what was about to happen.

The police were already surrounding the tattoo shop, guns in hand. Ash stood behind them, waiting for me to give the signal. The cops relied on me to take control because I knew what Damon was capable of. I joined the group and nodded.

They kicked the door open and raided the main lobby, it was empty. I made my way to the front of the group, my gun still in the air. "Come out where we can see you, you son of a bitch!" Footsteps came from around the corner, everyone took aim, but it wasn't who we were expecting. 

"Hold your fire." Everyone put their guns down. "Madi?" I approached her, her face was severely bruised and her nose was covered in dry blood. "Andy, you're too late." She cried. "What do you mean? Where's Damon?" I asked. "He's gone-" I cut her off. "Where's Alex?" She shook her head. "You're too late... she's dead." My heart sunk and I felt like I was going to vomit.

"How do I know you're telling the truth? You've lied to me before and almost got me killed! How do I know that this isn't some setup?" I screamed at her. "You don't believe me? Then go check the back room!" Madi yelled back. I dropped my weapon and ran to the back, Ash following behind me. Madi was put in handcuffs.

A/N: Wow it's been a while, I apologize I've been busy with school and my other books (You should go check them out btw!) Let me know what you think, Love you guys!

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