Chapter Eight

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A/N: So I decided to do a double update since this book has been getting a lot of positive feedback, which makes me SO happy! Your support means the world to me! Let me know what you think of this chapter!


"She's not here." Jinxx snickered. "Follow me." Andy whispered and crouched down in the crowd, crawling to the back door that led to the bathroom. "I will shoot everyone in here until I find her!" I peeked from behind the door and saw Damon load his gun. 

Andy silently closed the door so I couldn't see any more. "Andy, I have to go out there." I whispered, tears pricking my eyes. "No, I'm not losing you again." We sat underneath a shelf, Andy held me in his arms. 

"I guess you guys made up your minds... Now get on the ground!" I heard Damon scream, followed by other screams. I fought out of Andy's grip. "No! Stop! I'm right here! I'm right here..." I burst through the bathroom door, Andy following behind me. "Well, well, well." An evil smirk grew across Damon's face. "It's about time. Now we can finally have the family we always wanted." He slugged his gun over his shoulder and began to walk down the steps. 

"You're not raising my daughter." Andy stood next to me. "Oh, you haven't told him yet, have you?" He slowly danced his way around the maze of people that were crouched down on the floor. "Alex, what is he talking about?" Andy's eyes were wide with worry. "Andy, I was going to tell you when all of this was over but-" Damon cut me off. "The baby is mine" He said bluntly as he stood in front of Andy and I. Andy began to breathe heavily.

"No... no it's not. You have no proof." A tear slipped from Andy's eye. "How's a paternity test for proof?" He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and threw it at Andy, who was now fully crying. "Freeze! Damon Paul Cassidy, you are under arrest!" A handful of police officers ran in, putting handcuffs on Damon. "I may not be here for the baby, but it doesn't change the fact that she's mine." The cops drug him out. I turned my attention to Andy, who was on  his knees, gaping at the paper that had been thrown at him.

"Andy I'm-" He cut me off. "Shut up." My heart shattered. "But Andy I-" He cut me off again. "Shut up!" He raised his voice. Everyone looked at him with sympathetic looks on their faces. "Don't come back to the bus unless it's to pack up your shit." He stood up and walked out, everyone followed him, almost everyone glared at me on their way out. Well, everyone but CC. "Alex, I'm so sorry." He embraced me in a hug. "No, he has a right to be upset." I shrugged his hands off my shoulders.

"I better go pack I guess." I said after a few moments of silence. I walked passed CC, but he spun me around quickly and pulled me into his chest. "Please don't leave" He lowered his voice. "Not without me doing this first." His lips crashed against mine, I pulled away immediately. "CC... I'm sorry, but I can't." I ran out of the bunker with tears in my eyes.

Andy's POV

I walked to the bus, sobbing uncontrollably. Jake, Jinxx, and Ash followed behind me. I jogged onto the bus and slammed the door behind me, right in the guys faces. I stomped to the back bedroom where me and... her slept. I'm too upset to say her name. 

She betrayed me, she lied straight to my face and let me believe that the baby was mine. I wanted it to be, I wanted to start a family with her. But now I'm glad I don't have to. I never really wanted kids anyway.

There was a slight knock at the door. "Go away." I said through deep breaths. "I need to get my stuff." A very quiet voice stated from outside the wooden door. "Fine." I gave in. She didn't even make eye contact when she entered. "You're not going to say anything?" I sat up on the bed we once shared. 

"No, because no matter what I say, you won't change your mind and you won't believe me." She began to throw piles of clothes into a duffle bag, getting more violent by the fabric, until she broke down into tears. I leapt off the bed and kneeled down next to her on the floor.

"Andy, I had no idea, I swear. I would have told you. I would never let you raise a baby that wasn't yours and let you think that it was." She was crying so much that she began to hiccup. "I don't know what to believe anymore." I stared at the holes in my jeans. 

"Andy he raped me! I didn't want to have a baby with him! Have I ever lied to you before? Every single I love you I meant, and I would never take back. Every kiss we shared just made me fall more in love with you. Every night we laid in bed, I fell asleep to the sound of your heartbeat. Not one time did I regret spending time with you. Even now, I cherish this moment because I know that I won't ever get it back. Andy, I love you." Her tears receded, but her voice stayed quiet.

"I can't raise a baby on my own, I'm only 19." She added, and that's what hit me. She's 19 and pregnant, because she was raped. I was taken over by guilt. The puzzle pieces fell perfectly into place. "I don't want you raising her on your own." I finally said, placing a hand on her thigh. "I wanna be there for you, and for her, even if she isn't mine." Alex sighed in relief. "I wish she was mine though..." I added, lowering my voice. "I wish she was too, just as much as you do, if not more." She held my hand in hers. "And maybe one day... We will have one of our own." She looked at me with hopeful eyes. "Yeah, maybe."


A/N: Chapter 9 is going to be a time skip because I didn't have nay ideas for any filler chapters so my apologies! But, I was wondering if anyone would like to start another bvb book with me? I've always wanted to collab with someone! Let me know fi you're interested and what ideas you have! Love you all!

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