Chapter Seven

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I couldn't breathe anymore, my heart had stopped beating and blood was no longer running through my veins. My vision was blurry, my eyes drowning in tears. I tried my hardest to stay quiet, but my sobs were too heavy. The door swung open, I froze. 

"Alex, are you okay?" CC stood in front of me. "Oh my God." I let go of all the tears I was holding in and threw myself on top of him, embracing him in a hug. "I thought you got shot!" I sobbed heavily and noticed that he was holding a gun. Another gunshot went off.

 "We need to get out of here." He tried pulling me, but I planted my feet. "Where's Andy?" I began to panic. "I-I don't know. We'll find him, but for right now I need to get you out of here." Two more shots echoed, they were getting closer. 

"No! I'm not leaving without him."  I tried to push past CC, but he grabbed my wrist. "God dammit listen to me! There are people out there who are looking for you. They have guns and they will show no mercy. I am not letting you go out there on your own!" He tugged me closer to him.

"People are getting hurt because of me, I need to do something!" He froze, holding my wrist tighter. "Alex, I promised Andy you wouldn't get hurt. I'm sorry." He picked me up and began to run. I braced myself and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, burying my face into his chest. He suddenly slowed down. 

"Open up! I have Alex" I lifted my head and noticed a pair of familiar brown eyes peek out from behind a metal door. "keep her safe, Ash." CC set me down. "Wait!" I grabbed his hand "I love you. If you find Andy, tell him I love him too." I pulled him down by his neck, placing a kiss on his cheek. He nodded and ran off.

I turned around, Ash was looking at me with worry in his eyes. "What's going on? Why is this happening?" I walked down the cement steps. The bunker was a decent size, big enough for a party of people. There was a bed in one corner, a chair and desk in the other. A rug and a futon sat in the middle, I noticed a door in the back that led to a bathroom. 

"Well, your ex decided that he wasn't quite done with you and that he was a bit jealous of Andy. So... he brought a couple of friends and they brought guns... The crowd was evacuated and the cops were called, but for right now we have most of the bands as protection. I had no idea we kept guns on our bus."

He padlocked the metal doors. "Why aren't you out there with everyone else?" I sat down at the desk. "Andy gave out very specific orders. He told CC to find you and bring you here to me." Ashley stated.  "Is Andy okay?" I gave Ash a serious look. "Yeah, we all have radios so we can contact each other." He pointed to the device on his belt. 

"This is all my fault." I shook my head. "Not it's not, Your ex just holds a grudge." He shrugged. "Ash you don't understand. The baby is his, and he wants it." I hung my head in disappointment. "What? But... Andy was- Alex, how?" He stumbled over his words.

"The first time I dated Damon, he raped me. That's why I left him. Ever since then, he's been looking for me." I swallowed my words. "How does he know it's his?" Ashley narrowed his eyes. "He took a test." I said. "Oh... does Andy know?" I shook my head slowly, letting a tear slip. 

Ash walked over and kneeled in front of me, tilting my chin up towards him. "We all make mistakes, Alex. Look at me, Andy forgave me for something I regret every day." He took my hands in his. "This is all my fault. If I go with Damon, all of this will stop." I stood up. "Alex, no. You're not leaving." Ash stood in front of me.

"The cops are here!" The radio on Ashley's belt beeped. "Guys retreat. Everyone to the bunker. Let the cops take care of the rest!" Andy's deep voice brought me relief when it echoed through the radio. "Stay here, I need to be on door duty. I'll keep an eye out for Andy." I nodded and sat back down, Ash crossed over to the metal doors, unlocking the padlock. 

A pounding noise came from outside the bunker. Ash retrieved his gun, just to take precaution. He climbed the cement steps and opened one door slightly. "Password" He muttered. "Youth and whiskey." Someone answered back. I laughed at the fact that their password was a song of theirs.

"Come in!" The bunker doors flew open, people poured in. "Alex? Alex! Where's Alex?" A familiar voice shouted over the crowd of chattering people. "Andy! I'm over here!" I waved my arms in the air. "Thank God, you're okay." He pushed passed the crowd and embraced me in a tight hug, embedding his head in the crook of my neck.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." I cried. "No, no it's not." He released me from his embrace and held me by my shoulders, holding eye contact with me. "Yes, it is." My eyes began to water. "Andy... The baby is-" The bunker doors crashed open. "Hand her over Alex and no one gets hurt." Damon and two others appeared at the top of the stairs.

A/N: Ah another cliff hanger! But finally an update! Sorry for the wait, I've been super busy. BUT ANDY'S ALBUM CAME OUT! I've been listening to it non-stop! My favorite song is Put the gun down what's yours?

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