Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: THE CONCERT LAST NIGHT WAS AMAZING. I GOT BARRICADE AND I HAVE THE WORST PCD EVER -If you want to hear everything about it, or want to see the pictures I took just message me and I'll send you pictures and videos and I'll tell you all about it!-

I pressed my foot on the pedal with force, speeding off the side of the road. Sirens blared, warning me of danger. I looked in my rear view mirror, fear filling my stomach. Wildfire flames burned rapidly behind me.

I turned into the driveway and quickly got out of the car, grabbing Octavia. I ran into the house. "We need to leave." Andy jogged down the stairs, suitcases in his hands. The rest of the guys were packing as well.

"What started this?" I couldn't focus with all the hectic running going on. "Dry conditions. This fucking drought is going to kill us all." Andy grunted and stacked all of the suitcases.

"Where are we going?" I took a suitcase in hand and tossed it in the back of the bus. I sat Octavia, who was surprisingly still sleeping, in the back.

"Huntington, it's closest to the water and we already rented a condo-Shit!" Bursts of orange and yellow heat appeared at the end of our street.

"Let's go!" The boys lined up and began tossing suitcases to each other, one after another they threw them into the back of the bus. My forehead dripped in sweat as the fire grew closer. The last suitcase was tossed in and everyone boarded the bus.

We pulled out of the driveway quickly, the fire was only a couple hundred feet away. We sped through stop signs and red lights, considering the roads were empty. The fire was finally out of sight.


After a couple hours of driving, we began to hit traffic. "Come on! Move you assholes!" Andy shouted out of the window, worried that the fire would catch up to us.

"We just need to cross this bridge." I guess CC saw the nervous look on my face because he put a comforting hand on my shoulder. Everyone sat in different seats. Andy sat across from me and Tav, CC sat behind me and Jake and Jinxx sat next to him. Ash sat in the very back, making sure we had everything.

The bumper to bumper traffic continued when a heat wave rushed over us. I reluctantly turned my head to see those horrible, yet familiar flames tumbling down the road, right in our direction. The bridge was in our view and only about 200 feet away when I saw people abandoning their cars.

"Andy, if we get out now and run, we'll make it." I quickly took off my seat belt. "No, sit down. We're going to get over this fucking bridge, even if we're in flames." The bus driver gave Andy a nod and illegally drove into the opposite lane, speeding past traffic. Horns honked as we slowly drove around the maze of cars.

As the bridge was getting closer, the temperature began to rise. "Fuck!" Ash shouted as he sprinted to the front of the bus, the fire had caught up. The back of the bus was in engulfed in flames. Andy rushed to the back of the bus, pushing the suitcases and bags forward.

Within seconds, the fire was spreading. Andy tried running, but the flames had already started to eat him alive. I tried to help him, but I was glued to my seat. All I could do was watch my love burn to ashes.

A/N: Like I said, plot twist. Let me know what you think! Message me for any concert details or pictures!

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