Chapter Eleven

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Alexandria's POV

I was finally released from the hospital around 7am. Andy and I haven't talked much since the other night. I still can't believe that he was going to propose, I was so stupid to ruin it. The car ride was awkward and silent. I sat in the back with Octavia, who was sleeping soundly. Andy pulled into the driveway and parked in front of the door.

"I'll get everything, just bring her inside." I nodded and did as told. The front door squeaked open, I tried not making too much noise since it was still early and everyone was still sleeping. I tiptoed upstairs, the heavy car seat in my hand. I sighed in frustration when I realized Andy's bedroom door was locked.

I gently set Octavia's seat down and stood on my tippy toes, dragging my fingers along the frame of the door. A silver key fell to the floor with a light clatter. I picked it up and inserted it into the lock. When the door opened, my eyes nearly popped out of my head.

I  picked up Octavia and entered the remodeled room. I carefully set her down by her brand new crib, which was where Andy's TV and couch used to be. "Do you like it?" A voice came from behind me. "You did all of this?" I turned to Andy with a smile.

 "No, well it was my idea, but CC, Jake, and Jinxx put it together. Ash ordered everything." He blushed and followed me over to the crib. I picked up Octavia's car seat, set it on the rocking chair and unbuckled her.

 I cradled her in my arms, Andy inched closer, wrapping one of his arms around my waist and gliding the other arm under mine, helping me hold our baby. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "I didn't realize that we already have a future. I was too focused on not growing up, but being a parent is as grown up as you can get." I laid Octavia down in her crib. I searched my pockets and found the little black box. "Can we try this again?"

Andy's POV

My eyes widened. I took the small box from her, my hand shaking. "Alexandria Roberts..." I slowly got down on one knee. "Will you marry me?" She nodded vigorously and wrapped her arms around my neck as I stood up. I slid the black diamond ring on her finger and kissed her lips passionately.  

PLEASE READ A/N: Okay super short chapter, I'm sorry! But I PROMISE it  will be worth it because the next chapter it a total PLOT TWIST! You guys are not ready! Comment and let me know what you think!

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