Chapet Twenty Four

737 35 22

After the funeral had ended, everyone gathered by the parking lot to talk and catch up, considering everyone hadn't seen each other in years. I held Octavia in my arms as she slept soundly. Everyone came up to Alex and I to congradulate us on the baby and the engagement.

At the moment, Alex was talking to my great aunt Margot who was quite mobile for an 80 year old. My little cousins were running around my long legs playing tag, my mom approached me, carefully embarcing me in a hug since I was holding Tav. 

"I am so proud of you." She cried into my shoulder. "Mom don't cry. Grandpa hated it when you cried." I lightly kissed her forehead and her in a one arm embrace. "I know, I know. I'm sorry." She smiled and wiped away her tears, stepping out of the hug.

"He would be so proud of you if he saw you now, oh what he would do just to be a great grandfather." My mother sighed, playing with Tav's fingers. "When's the wedding?" She quickly changed the subject so she wouldn't cry again. "We didn't really figure that out yet. Everything has been so crazy, we haven't had time to talk about it, or anything really." I shrugged lightly.

"Well here's an idea, what if your father and I watch Octavia for you so you and Alexandria and get some... Alone time." My mom gave me a hopeful smile. "I don't know..." I was iffy. "Come on Andrew, your father and I haven't spent time with our granddaughter since she was born." She pouted like a child. I noticed Alex walking towards us.

Alex's POV

"Oh Alex dear, would you mind letting Octavia spend the night with Chris and I?" I was taken back my Amy's offer. "Oh, that sounds great! Andy and I could use some time to ourselves." I smiled brightly at Andy who stood with a stale expression. "Is it okay with you, babe?" Andy's baby blue eyes met mine. He stared at me for a minute before sighing.

"Fine." Amy squeeled and called Chris over. "Chris, we're taking Octavia for the night!" Chris smiled. "That's great honey." Andy rolled his eyes and placed a kiss on Octavias head before handing her to Amy. "I'll go get her carseat and diaper bag." I walked towards my car, Andy following behind me.

"What's your problem?" I grunted, grabbing Tav's car seat and diaper bag from the back. Andy leaned up against the side of the car, there was a moment of silence before he spoke. "It's just that, I almost lost you, I mean it's a mircale that I didn't-" He pulled me against his chest and traced his fingers over my scars. "And now I lose my grandfather. I can't lose Octavia too." His voice had faded into a whisper.

"Andy, I promise that Tav is safe with your parents. You have to trust them." I gave his arm a reassuring squeeze, Andy nodded. "It's only one night, and besides, we need some alone time." I winked and Andy raised his eyebrows as we started to walk back towards Amy and Chris.

"Okay, her diaper bag has a change of clothes and pajams. There are a handful of diapers and a package of wipes in there along with bottles, formula and a pacifier." I smiled and handed Chris the bag and the seat. "Okay, thank you again for doing this." Amy smiled once more before Andy laced his fingers between mine, pulling me back towards the car. 

"Get in." his voice was stern. "Where are we going?" I climbed into the passenger seat and put on my seat belt. "Home." He sped out of the cemetary parking lot. I knew what was coming next. It was me.

A/N: la la la I finally updated let me know what u think

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