Chapter Three

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Alex's POV

This can't be happening. How is this possible? How did he find me? What does he want? All of those questions were running through my mind as he kept driving, further and further away from the venue. I sat in the dangerous silence that hung above us. I knew he was thinking, and that worried me. Night had fallen, it was nearly pitch black outside. His headlights were the only things giving off light for miles. There were no cars in sight.

"Did you miss me?" He broke the terrifying silence. I didn't dare say a word, for I was affraid of what he would do if I told him the truth. I didn't miss him at all. "I'm talking to you." His voice grew deeper, a hinge of anger behind it. "N-no." I quietly stated, staring out the window. 

"Don't lie to me Alex." I could feel his eyes burning a hole into my head. "Where are you taking me?" I quickly changed the subject. "I'll be asking the questions." His voice was stirn. It was then I realized exactly where we were. "Damon-" I pleaded. "I love it when you say my name." He whispered in my ear as he pulled into Look Out Rock.

Andy's POV

 I walked up to FIR's tour bus and knocked, the guys and I were going door to door to see if anyone had seen Alex. "Hey dude, what's up?" Ronnie answered. "Hey man, have you seen Alex? I can't find her anywhere and I'm really worried." I asked. "Oh yeah, earlier I saw her get into someone's car, I didn't reconize it though. I figured it was one of her friends or something." 

Just then Derek joined Ronnie at the door. "Oh yeah I saw it too, accept she didn't get in, She was like, pulled or something. I don't know man." He was clearly drunk. "Derek you fucking idiot, she didn't get kidnapped." Ronnie shook his head in laughter. I then sprinted off of the bus in a panic. What if Alex really did get kidnapped?

I began to scream for the guys, one by one they found me. We stood in a circle as I dialed Alex's number for the hundreth time, Praying she would miracuously answer.

Alex's POV

"For fucks sake just turn off your phone!" Damon slammed his hands against the dashboard as he parked his car. "It's Andy..." I mentally slapped myself as soon as his name slipped from my mouth. "Answer it." I was reluctant. "Answer it, goddammit!" I jumped at his suddon out burst, but quickly pressed answer. 

Andy: Alex? Hello? Babygirl are you there? Where are you?

Alex: Y-yes i'm here. I'm okay-

"Give that thing to me-" Damon ripped my phone from my hands. 

Andy: Alex who is that?

Damon: Listen here Biersack, Alexandria is mine. Got that? I had her first and I'll have her last. I'm not loosing her again, especially to you.

There was a brief moment of silence until a light bulb went off in my head.

Alex: We're at look out rock! 

I screamed, but Damon covered my mouth with his hand so mumbles just came out. Damon threw my phone, even though I didn't see it, I heard it shatter. "You sneaky little bitch." He whispered in my ear, his hand was still over my mouth and his chest was pushed against my back. 

Without thinking, I bit his hand and elbowed him in the gut. He cried out in pain and released me. I swung open the car door and began to run, but I didn't get very far. Damon yanked me by my arm and pulled me back into the vehicle. I was screaming on the top of my lungs, praying someone would hear me.

"That's it!" Damon shouted. He held my hands behind my back. "If you wanna do this the hard way, then fine." He used his free hand to open the glove compartment. He pulled out zip ties and a roll of ducked tape. "Damon, please. I'm sorry, I won't try to run again." Tears formed in my eyes as I began to beg for mercy. "Please Damon, please..." I sobbed as he tied my hands together with the zip ties. "Please! No!" He then placed a piece of tape over my mouth so I couldn't talk. All I could do now was cry and hope that Andy heard what I had said.

Andy's POV

"Alex wait!" Then the line went dead. I could barely make out what she said. "Look out what?" The guys and I were thinking as hard as we could. "Rock! She said Look Out Rock." Ashley shouted. "Are you sure?" I questioned. "That's where I took my first girlfriend for... Okay that's not important right now, but I know for a fact that's what she meant. It's a couple miles down the road." Ashley explained. "What the fuck are we waiting for then?" I began to run towards the parking lot. 

"Um Andy, we don't have a car." Jinxx reminded me. "I can fix that." Ash raised his eyebrows and smirked, jogging over to the first car he saw, of course it was a fucking mini van. "Ash what are you-" He opened the door climbed into the drivers seat, the alarm blared. He began to disect the wires underneath the steering wheel.

"Are you hot wiring the car?" I yelled at him in a whisper, hoping no one could hear us. He then proceeded to rip out a handful of wires. "Oh my God you're hot wiring a car." I added.  "Got any better ideas?" Ashley looked around at the guys and I who were standing in a circle around the open car door. We all stood in silence. "I didn't think so." Just then, the alarm stopped and the car started. "Now get in." Ashley ordered, and we all obeyed. 

Alex's POV

"Come here!" Damon violently grabbed me and began to pull me over the middle counsol. I kicked in refusal, since I couldn't use my hands. "Hold still!" He successfully got me over, sitting me on his lap so I was facing him. Our faces were centimeters apart. I flailed around in hopes of escaping, but it only pissed him off more. "I said hold still!" He slammed my back against the steering wheel. I let out a cry of pain, but it was trapped behind the ducked tape. "Now just relax..." He whispered in my ear as he began to pull my shirt off.

"Damon, no! Please!" I mumbled from behind the tape. "Be quiet!" He tossed my shirt in the back seat, exposting my black bra. "No, you don't understand! You can't do this!" I pleaded. "I did before, and I'll do it again!" He spat as he started to unzip my shorts. "I'm pregnant!" His eyes lit up and he removed his hands from the zipper. 

"You lying bitch!" He slapped me hard across my face. "How dare you go behind my back and fuck somebody else after I claimed you!" He ripped the tape from my mouth when he realized I was trying to speak again. I winced in pain. "You didn't claim me, you raped me, you bastard! I'm not your doll! You can't just show up and play with me whenever you want! I have somebody who actually loves me and cares about me, unlike you!" I spit in his face. 

"No one could love you, not even your own father! You'll see me again bitch, and next time, I won't let you go." He opened his door and pushed me out, my body hit the ground hard. He quickly sped away, leaving me in the dirt. I was half naked with my hands were still tied behind my back, my body ached in pain. 

All I could do was lie there and pray that somebody, anybody, would find me. I saw his tail lights disappear into the darkness as I continued to lie where he had left me. I was in too much pain to move and my throat was too sore for me to scream. I was completely helpless.

A/N: Okay I'm really sorry about all the POV changes in this chapter, I just didn't know a better way to explain the situation. Any whoooooo, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 11k+ READS ON "Cigarette Smoke" ILYSM!

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