IMPORTANT! You could be in the next book!

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Hey guys! So as I was looking back on this story I realized that I need to do A LOT of editing (considering I started writing this in middle school) Therefore, I will be publishing "new" and edited chapters. By "edited" I mean grammar/spelling corrections, indents, and I might add a few new things if I find it neccisary (Which it probably is) So if you get a notification that this story is being re-published 800 times, it is just me fixing my (many) mistakes.

I also want to take a minute and thank you, every single on of you. Never in a million years would I have believed someone if they told me that MY story has been read by almost 90 thousand people. I am absolutely blown away by the response I've gotten to the "Cigarette smoke" series and I am so proud of both books, but none of it would have been possible without you. Every comment or message I get from you makes all the long hours of writing and editing (and hand cramps) worth it.

So, in honor of you guys, I decided to include some of you (Who read BOTH books) in the third book. I will be choosing 3 lucky readers (at random) who message me their name (or name they would like to go by in the book), a description of their appearance and their personality, and why they enjoyed reading both books (or their favorite thing about EACH story). I will announce the 3 lucky readers after I get at least 10 candidates. Since you all have done so much for me, I want to give back and do something for you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to message me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I am also taking suggestions/ideas for the new title of the third book, so send me a message if you guys have any! Thank you all again for making me feel like my writing means something. I am always here for you guys, if you ever need anything I'm only a message away. I could say it a million times and it still wouldn't be enough, but THANK YOU. 

I love you all -Sierra 

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